Here’s How to Bypass the Debt Limit

Here’s How to Bypass the Debt Limit · Daily Ticker

Desperate times invite desperate measures and necessity sparks invention. So the dire prospect of a U.S. debt default has prompted a predictably extreme and creative set of proposed maneuvers to let the Treasury pay the bills should Congress fail to raise the debt ceiling before cash runs out.

Dismiss them as gimmicks, deride them as red herrings or laud them as ingenious work-arounds – the ideas for skirting Congressional authority to forestall default keep circulating among economic commentators.

Related: The $1 Trillion Platinum Coin is Not as "Silly" as Debt Ceiling Fight

Several months ago an improbable amount of momentum built behind the notion that the Treasury mint a platinum coin with a $1 trillion face value, deposit it with the Federal Reserve and draw on that to cover deficit spending. The idea arose from an obscure and ambiguous law apparently intended to allow the Treasury to meet demand for physical coins from collectors and savers. The Obama administration in January went so far as to publicly rule out the prospect in January before a debt-limit deal was ultimately reached in Congress.

Now a somewhat less bizarre scenario is being floated: Treasury, in theory, could issue bonds with an extraordinarily high “coupon,” or interest rate, which would sell at a large premium to their face value.

Related: Debt Ceiling Deja Vu: Wall Street Better Watch Out, Says Task

The proceeds of such a debt sale would far exceed the stated principal amount of the bonds, and provide the government with enough cash to roll over maturing debt and pay government expenses without violating the debt ceiling. That ceiling, by the way, applies only to the principal value of the debt.

The way bond pricing works is that the issuer sets the coupon and the market prices the bond in line with the level of prevailing interest rates. A bond with $100 par value and a 5% coupon pays $5 in interest a year. If rates fall to 2.5% --half of 5%--the bond would double in price to $200. The $5 in interest would account for 2.5% of the bond's price.

The idea, as detailed by Bloomberg View columnist Matt Levine, is that Treasury could offer, say, a 20%-coupon bond that would sell at far above par value, giving the government a financial cushion and avoiding technical default until Congress raises the debt limit. Some Twitter commentators have rallied to the cause, even suggesting they be called “Lew Bonds” for Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

As discussed with Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Aaron Task and Daily ticker host Lauren Lyster in the attached video, there is no evidence that the Treasury is seriously contemplating such a move. And the market acceptance of such a ploy could not be taken for granted.