Obamacare: Separating Truth from Fiction – Here’s What You Need to Know

Obamacare: Separating Truth from Fiction – Here’s What You Need to Know · Daily Ticker

Starting today individuals can sign up for health care insurance by way of the exchanges created under the Affordable Care Act. So far seventeen states and the District of Columbia have set up their own exchanges, also known as insurance marketplaces; the rest will use either the federal health insurance exchange or run a joint state-federal exchange to provide coverage.

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It's been a bumpy ride so far, given the complexity of the effort and the politics surrounding it. Many Republican Congressional members are hell-bent on defunding Obamacare even though it's law and the Supreme Court reaffirmed its constitutionality. They won't agree to continue funding the government unless Obamacare is defunded or delayed by a year. And Democrats -- in Congress and the White House -- are firmly committed to just the opposite: implementing Obamacare.

That leaves us where we are today: a government that is partially shut down and lots of confusion about coverage under the ACA.

Lori Robertson, managing director of Factcheck.org, spoke with The Daily Ticker's Aaron Task, about some of the major misrepresentations surrounding Obamacare, as you'll see in the video above. We'll try to help set the record straight so read on:

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Myth #1: Health Care Premiums are Rising.

Robertson says whether health care premiums are rising or falling for individuals depends on their particular situation. "Whether your new plan on the exchanges...is going to be more or less what you're paying now really depends on you," says Robertson. "If you have a health condition you may see a decrease. If you don't, you may see an increase."

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You health insurance premium will also depend where you buy your insurance--including the state and locality--your age and your income. (At certain income levels, participants in so-called "silver" plans--the second cheapest--can qualify for government subsidies, which would reduce costs.)

Myth #2: Obamacare is Killing Jobs.

Robertson says there's little evidence that Obamacare is a job killer. "The CBO has estimated it will have a small impact on jobs and ...mainly from workers choosing to work less," says Robertson. She explains that some people may reduce their working hours because they no longer need a second or third job to pay insurance premiums, while others may choose to retire early knowing they can't be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions.