The Senate’s “Wringing Its Hands” Instead of Passing Student Loan Reform: Rep. Kline

The Senate’s “Wringing Its Hands” Instead of Passing Student Loan Reform: Rep. Kline · Daily Ticker

Student debt in the U.S. stands at a record high of $1.1 trillion-- it now surpasses both auto and credit card debt. According to a study by Fidelity 70% of the class of 2013 is graduating with about $35,000 in college-related debt.

And it could get worse. On July 1, interest rates on federally subsidized student loans are set to double from 3.4% to 6.8%. Nearly 7 million students will be affected by the rate increase, adding around $4.3 billion to the student debt burden next year.

Related: America’s Student Loan Crisis: Generation I.O.U.

Congressman John Kline wants to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Rep. Kline (R-MN) sponsored a bill that would replace the current fixed-rate interest system with rates based on the yield of the 10-year Treasury note, which was 2.18% on Tuesday.

Kline would then add 2.5% for Stafford loans with a cap at 8.5% and 4.5% for graduate and parent PLUS loans with a cap at 10.5%. Students would have the option to lock their loans at a fixed rate after graduation.

While Kline’s bill squeaked through the House (221-198) with little support from Democrats, it's being tied up in the Senate and White House advisers have recommended a veto.

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President Obama’s proposed student loan bill is somewhat similar to Kline’s. They both tie interest rates to the market, but they differ on what exactly those rates should be.

"[Kline’s] bill's changes would impose the largest interest rate increases on low- and middle-income students and families who struggle most to afford a college education," says the White House.

“It would be helpful if the president would put a little more leadership into this,” Rep. Kline tells The Daily Ticker’s Aaron Task.

Kline also voiced frustration over the Senate’s inaction.

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“We’re in an interesting position. The House of Representatives has passed legislation that will fix this thing permanently and the Senate as is so often the case is wringing its hands,” he explains.

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