The best Wall Street movies

Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" hits theaters nationwide next Wednesday, Dec. 25, and some Hollywood types are already calling it the best Wall Street movie of all time. The movie showcases the debauched life of Jordan Belfort, whose brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont broke the law, swindled investors and became famous for its extreme, infantile and depraved antics (wild office parties that included dwarfs and marching bands). Belfort may very well be the greedist Wall Street villian after Gordon Gekko. The difference: Gekko was fictional.

Hollywood has always loved Wall Street and its interesting characters. Movies like "Wall Street," "Trading Places," "Boiler Room," "Glengarry Glen Ross" and "It's a Wonderful Life" are undisputed classics. Some Wall Street movies ("Inside Job" and "Capitalism: A Love Story") focused on real people and their personal experiences with the dark side of the financial services industry.

With so many Wall Street movies out there, The Daily Ticker team asked the Yahoo Finance hosts to pick the very best. What were the winners? Watch the video above to find out!

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