What the Yahoo Finance Newsroom Wants From the Next iPhone

What the Yahoo Finance Newsroom Wants From the Next iPhone · Daily Ticker

The newest iPhone has set the world abuzz in a typical Apple-way.

That's because Apple (AAPL) likes to surprise (especially to the upside). This is long-time company practice, followed to a T over and over so that they can amass as much hype about a product launch before it happens. For free.

Obviously it works.

Samsung, Microsoft, Facebook... they've all followed suit over the past few years. Even Google.

Add Yahoo Finance to the list. We are joining the fray to add our two cents about what features the newsroom wants to see added to the new iPhone.

As The Daily Ticker has reported over the past few weeks, the best guesses for new features include the new iOS 7 operating system, a faster processor, fingerprint recognition, an improved camera with dual flash capability and a "cheaper" phone made of plastic and available in all colors of the rainbow.

Watch the video above to see our hopes, our dreams, our big vision for the iPhone.

Tell Us What You Think!

What features do you want in the new iPhone? Send an email to: [email protected].

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