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Beyond Obamacare: More Big Health Care Changes Ahead

Most Americans didn’t notice, but two big companies — IBM (IBM) and Time Warner (TWX) — recently changed their healthcare plans for retirees in ways that could become a model for how regular American workers get their healthcare. This could end up being the biggest change to private coverage since firms started offering health care benefits after World War II.

Like General Electric (GE) and other big companies, IBM and Time Warner have decided to stop purchasing health care insurance for retirees, and instead give those former employees yearly stipends they can spend to buy insurance on their own. Media coverage has focused on the idea of moving retirees onto private health care exchanges that offer a range of plans, similar to the way public exchanges set up under Obamacare will offer coverage.

But the more important precedent may be the move away from coverage purchased by the employer, to coverage purchased by workers. IBM and Time Warner retirees will be free to purchase whatever insurance they chose through a private exchange. If the plan they choose costs more than the stipend, they have to come up with the extra money themselves.

Big changes ahead?

For better or worse, the move to this type of arrangement could upend health care as much as the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s landmark package of reforms. Surveys show that many more firms plan to follow the trend, and the next logical step after that is to move existing workers into similar plans. “The era of employer-paid health coverage may be coming to a close,” John Challenger, CEO of outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas, said in a statement.

It might sound scary, but if done right, putting more spending decisions in patients’ hands could actually improve the overall health care system. Economists have long pointed out that a huge contributor to the skyrocketing cost of health care in the United States is the fact that the people who get care often aren’t the ones who pay for it. So they have no incentive to economize, which lets providers continually hike costs with few consequences.

Medicare, for instance, covers many services with limited out-of-pocket costs to the patient. Doctors and hospitals often get paid for the amount of tests and other service they provide, rather than getting paid for the quality of care or the ultimate outcome. Under many corporate plans, patients pay a portion of the premium and a deductible, but beyond that, the plan itself often offers umbrella coverage at little or no additional cost. So patients tap as many services as they can, with little concern for the actual cost.