$1.85 million Union home sale among the week's top property transfers

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Information provided by Hamilton County Auditor Brigid Kelly.


163 Second St: Sandia Properties LLC to Lewis Jason E & Laurie A; $6,500

167 Second St: Sandia Properties LLC to Lewis Jason E & Laurie A; $6,500

66 Second St: Sandia Properties LLC to Lewis Jason E & Laurie A; $6,500

Amberley Village

7708 Creekwood Ln: Mellman Jerome J Tr to Portelli Real Estate Holdings LLC; $635,000

Anderson Township

1121 Holz Ave: Strine Jason C & Hope E Wurzelbacher to Goist Zackory; $285,000

1239 Eight Mile Rd: Lawson Edgar to Joseph Marian Caswell Rentals LLC; $179,000

1245 Eight Mile Rd: Lawson Edgar Jr to Joseph Marian Caswell Rentals LLC; $179,000

1297 Tallberry Dr: Holland Claralyn J to Rockey Ring Ridge LLC; $100,000

1400 Sigma Cr: Curtis Randal to Doorvest Inc; $145,500

2547 Teuton Ct: Stiverson Esther L to Chandler Ashley N; $235,000

6088 Stirrup Rd: Mangrum Sara & Bert to Rumpke Megan Whitney; $605,000

6995 Goldengate Dr: Martin Jason A & Jaime N to Trame Kelly M & Brandon D; $490,000

8257 Northport Dr: Hawkins Libby M to Hoesl Cassandra & Corey Stace; $317,000


3560 Haven St: Fourth World Capital LLC to Pdp1 LLC; $46,500

3562 Haven St: Fourth World Capital LLC to Pdp1 LLC; $46,500

3598 Alaska Ave: Killings Kamiliya R to Tfg Holdings Cincy LLC; $192,000

3740 Vine St: Emanuel Baptist Church to Greater Community Apostolic Church Inc; $160,000

665 Fred Shuttlesworth Cr: Real Equity Oh LLC to Sriram LLC; $167,000

665 Fred Shuttlesworth Cr: Smith Daryl E to Real Equity Oh LLC; $158,000

Blue Ash

5284 Bell Ave: Mack Theresa M to Otten Stephanie; $325,000

9638 Waxwing Dr: Jacobs Carol to Hammersmith Christina M & Keith A Hammersmith; $399,900

Bond Hill

1217 Rossmore Ave: Prime Capital Group LLC to Campbell Tony & Ashley; $360,175

1326 Franklin Ave: Huver Whitney E to Macdonald Megan E; $234,900

1413 Regent Ave: Schulke George E & Melinda to Avm Investments Inc; $90,000

1947 Lawn Ave: Ralston James Anthony to Larkins Ventures LLC; $67,500

Business District

353 Fourth St: Davis Kyle G to Kevin Pater & Associates Inc; $299,000

815 Elm St: Osborne John B to Berninger John & John Nicholas; $317,000

Camp Washington

1050 Marshall Ave: Clear Focus Properties LLC to Avr Property Rentals LLC; $66,000