11 Countries with the Highest Number of Military Special Forces in the World

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In this article, we look at 11 countries with the highest number of military special forces in the world. You can skip our detailed analysis on the most well-trained and formidable units of militaries with a key focus on American special forces’ capabilities and head over directly to the 5 Countries with the Highest Number of Military Special Forces in the World.

Special forces have captured the imagination of popular culture in the United States for quite some time, and often bring to mind video games like Call of Duty or movies such as the Black Hawk Down. There's considerable prestige associated within militaries with the warrior elite! These are top-notch units of the armed forces made up of the finest soldiers recruited from across the country to perform special operations. What sets these operators apart from the rest is their high level of rigorous training and strong personality traits including bravery and resilient mentality.

While historically, special forces worked in small units and were only called in for critical missions, over time, their role has expanded throughout the world, especially because of the global war on terror. Special forces in the US for example under the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) grew from 38,000 personnel before the 2001 9/11 attacks to 73,000 by 2020, with their budget also seeing a 495% spike from $2.3 billion to $13.7 billion during this period.

Considering the complex challenges these forces undertake, the US military is equipping their special forces operators with sophisticated equipment to dominate the battlefield and overcome challenging scenarios that come in their way. Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) announced in July 2023 that its Dry Combat Submersible (DCS) had achieved initial operational capability – a project it had been working on for decades.

Two DCSs have been provided to the Navy by Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT), with work ongoing on the third. According to the company, these submersibles will provide the Navy SEALs the ability to travel well below the surface of the ocean without wetsuits and get in and out of the vehicles undetected while being entirely submerged. Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) is a key industrial partner of the American special forces, and also the primary contractor for SOCOM’s logistics and sustainment support program.

The US Navy is aggressively ramping up its seabed capabilities as well. According to a report, the Navy, with an eye on protecting assets deep in the ocean, has commissioned a next-generation attack submarine, work on which is already underway at the General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD). The submarine will be used for the Navy SEALs to perform covert operations along the floor of the operation to tap deep sea communication cables and retrieve parts of missiles and rockets tested underwater.

SOCOM is also upgrading its MH-47G Chinook fleet as part of the aircraft’s modernization efforts. The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA) in December 2023 received a $271 million modification contract, under which it will procure the MH-47G rotary wing renewal build aircraft for SOCOM. The company expects to complete work on the project, which would involve delivering six helicopters, by May 2027. Earlier that year in March, The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA) secured a $18 million task order for the acquisition of components and parts for the aircraft. MH-47G Chinook, first introduced in 1962 by The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA), continues to be widely used in American special operations despite aging.

On the other hand, General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD), between 2016 and 2021, under a five-year contract with a maximum ceiling of $900 million provided professional services to US special forces in their global operations. The services included technical and engineering work for major weapon systems, and assistance with decision-making related to production and program control. Work on the agreement was carried out by General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD)’s subsidiary, ARMA Global.

11 Countries with the Highest Number of Military Special Forces in the World
11 Countries with the Highest Number of Military Special Forces in the World



Several credible publications and news reports available on the internet have been consolidated to identify countries with the highest number of military special forces in the world. Countries are sorted in ascending order of the number of special military forces they operate. Note that we have only considered the primary special forces in these countries. In case, where countries had the same number of military special forces, we outranked one over the other over our assessment of the capabilities of their special operations forces, which you can read about in our recent article, 11 Countries with the Best Military Special Forces in the World.

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Let’s now head over to the list of countries that have the most military special forces in the world.

11 Countries with the Highest Number of Military Special Forces in the World:

11. Germany

Special Forces: 2

Kommando Spezialkr?fte (KSK) and Kommando Spezialkr?fte Marine (KSM) are the two prominent military special forces of Germany. The KSK is the elite special force of the German military or Bundeswehr. It is a large brigade-level unit that has expertise in search and rescue, commando warfare, and anti-terrorism. The KSK carried out multiple successful special operations in Afghanistan, and is considered one of the most well-equipped special forces in the world.

The Kommando Spezialkr?fte Marine (KSM) is the special forces group of the German Navy that is responsible for carrying out amphibious warfare. Both of these groups require their deployments to be authorized by the German parliament before they can undertake any operation.

10. Spain

Special Forces: 3

Next up on our list of countries with the highest number of military special forces in the world is Spain, with three major special operations groups. We begin with the Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial, or the Special Naval Warfare Force, which is the special operations unit of the Spanish Navy. It mainly comprises the members of the Marines, and specializes in operations in land, sea, and air. The Unidad de Operaciones Especiales, which is regarded as one of the best special forces in the world, merged into the Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial in 2009, with the latter inheriting the former’s reputation.

Moving on now to Escuadrón de Zapadores Paracaidistas (EZAPAC), which is the special forces unit of Spain’s elite paratroopers, and works under the Spanish Air Force. Commandos joining the group go through rigorous training in parachuting, skiing, weapon handling, SATCOM transmission, survival, and other critical areas related to aerial special operations.

Lastly, commandos of the Caballero Legionario Maderal Oleaga or 19th Special Operations Group, are capable of maritime and mountain warfare, counter-terrorism, and sabotage. 

9. Pakistan

Special Forces: 3

Pakistan’s Special Services Group, or SSG, is among the best military special forces in the world. Due to the unique headgear worn by its commandos, it is also often referred to as the Black Storks. The SSG is a battle-hardened force that has undertaken several successful operations, especially in the restive tribal north against militant groups along the border with Afghanistan. The group has expertise in search and rescue, hostage rescue, psychological operations, direct action, reconnaissance, and taking out high-value targets.

The country’s navy also has a special forces group with the same name – the Pakistan Navy Special Service Group, which is also often called the Navy SEALs and Navy SSG. This unit is capable of carrying out unconventional special operations at land, air and sea.

On the other hand, the Special Services Wing is the special operations branch of the Pakistan Air Force, whose personnel are trained to perform special missions related to reconnaissance, combat control, pararescue, offensive raiding, and direct action. These commandos are primarily responsible for air traffic control in hostile environments.

8. France

Special Forces: 3

The Commandement des Opérations Spéciales, or the Special Operations Command (COS), in France is equivalent to the USSOCOM and UKSF, and oversees the operations of various special forces of the French military. The National Gendarmerie Intervention Group, or GIGN, is the most prominent special operations unit in France that is responsible for counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and the protection of VIPs in the country. According to a report in The Independent, the GIGN has freed up over 600 hostages since it was unveiled in 1973.

Another potent military special force is the Commandos Marine, which works under the French Navy. The personnel in this unit are trained to conduct special operations at sea, land, and air to defend France from internal and external threats. Intelligence gathering, underwater operations, counter-terrorism, and hostage rescue are areas of strength for the Commandos Marine.

The French Air and Space Force also has a special forces group in Air Parachute Commando No. 10, with expertise in reconnaissance, aerial guidance, counter-terrorism, and combat search and rescue.

7. Canada

Special Forces: 4

The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command is responsible for all special operations conducted by the country to respond to terrorism, as well as threats to Canada. There are four main special forces working under the command. The Joint Task Force 2 (JST2) is the most prominent military special force in the country, and is regarded among the best in the world, having worked on several counter-terrorism operations at home and abroad. The unit is known to collaborate with the US’ Delta Force and UK’s SAS in missions of common interests.

The second military special forces group in Canada is the Canadian Special Operations Regiment, which is the special forces unit of the country’s armed force, and has expertise in undertaking direct raids, reconnaissance, and capturing strategic buildings.

The 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron provides tactical aviation support to Canada’s special forces command, while the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit works diligently to defend Canada from threats of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear nature.

6. Russia

Special Forces: 4

Russia is among countries with the highest number of military special forces in the world. Its Alpha Group is one of the finest elite military units on the globe and specializes in counter-terrorism. It was founded in 1974 by the KGB, and currently operates under the FSB. The unit is believed to be operating under the direct control of Russia’s top political leadership.

Another prominent group is Spetsnaz, which is the special forces unit of Russia’s foreign military intelligence unit, GRU, and is known to operate in covert operations across the world. It has taken part in several operations overseas, including in Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, and Czechoslovakia. 

The 45th Guards Independent Reconnaissance Regiment, one the other hand, is the special forces unit under the Russian Airborne Troops, whose primary responsibility is reconnaissance behind enemy lines, kinetic operations against command and control posts, and eliminating their leadership. Lastly, Vympel special forces are tasked with protecting strategic installations in Russia.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Countries with the Highest Number of Military Special Forces in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 11 Countries with the Highest Number of Military Special Forces in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.
