12 Countries with Best Intelligence Agencies

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In this article, we look at 12 countries with the best intelligence agencies. You can skip our detailed analysis on technologies that support intelligence agencies and head over directly to the 5 Countries with Best Intelligence Agencies.

Intelligence agencies play a crucial role in this ever-evolving global security landscape to safeguard their nation’s interest. These agencies collect, analyze and disseminate information that is vital to national security, and have equipped themselves with highly effective technologies and tools to tackle the complex threats countries face in the modern-age.

The Space Based-Infrared System, or SBIRS, provides the United States capabilities in missile defense and warnings. According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, both Japan and South Korea have been growing increasingly uneasy about North Korea’s intense missile programs over the last few years. Analysts believe the United States can expand the scope of intelligence sharing with its northeast Asian allies through real-time data from SBIRS about Pyongyang’s missile activities.

In August 2022, the sixth and final missile warning satellite, GEO-6, was launched by Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) as part of the SBIRS program. The GEO-6 is built on Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT)’s modernized LM 2100 Combat Bus, which offers greater resilience, improved propulsion and spacecraft power. Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) has also in the past developed several spy planes, such as U-2 and A-12, for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), that were capable of avoiding rival air defense systems. 

On the other hand, cyberspace security has also widely begun to be considered as the fifth dimension of modern warfare. Former President Donald Trump in 2018 introduced the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to improve the US government’s protection against cyber attacks from private and rival-state hackers. As per the Department of Homeland Security, $3.06 billion have been allocated in funding to CISA for FY2024.

In 2021, CISA launched the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative with the aim ‘to unify cyber defenders from organizations worldwide’. Several tech giants are part of this program, including Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), among others, who already have a history of cooperating with American agencies on national security.

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s collaboration with security agencies is not new. According to a 2013 report in The Guardian, the company granted the NSA access to encrypted messages, whereas Skype, a division of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), allowed audio and video conversations to be collected through Prism.