15 Most Dangerous Countries For Gay Travelers

While things have drastically improved across the West for the LGBTQ, even now many countries across the world are not so receptive, including the 15 most dangerous countries for gay travelers. Click to skip ahead and see the top 5 most dangerous countries for gay travelers.

The world is made up of hundreds or thousands of cultures, norms and beliefs. This is why while one culture may believe in one thing, the other decries it. The same is true for homosexuality. While some cultures encourage it, others accept it silently while other still consider it one of the most heinous crimes possible.

However, even a few decades ago, homosexuality was considered taboo and frowned upon across most societies in the world. Even in the global superpower known as the United States, coming out as gay can often still lead to devastating social consequences, despite the LGBT civil rights movement which led to all 50 states legalizing same sex marriage between 2004-2015. However, more and more people are now feeling accepted when they come out, as shown in the percentage of people who knew homosexuals, which was just 24% in 1983 and 73% in 2001. This will steadily keep on improving as its generally the elder population which is more conservative and against homosexuality. The acceptance also varies strongly among states and you'll have a better idea if you check out 11 states with the biggest gay population in America.

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Netherlands was the first country in 2001 to legalise same sex marriage. There are now 29 countries which have done so, most of which are almost predominantly in the West. If you want to take a look at the best cities for gay people, head on over to the 11 most gay friendly cities int the world. And while homosexuals may feel safe and accepted in Western Europe, the opposite is true for most other countries and continents, including those in Asia and Africa. There are around 50 Muslim majority countries in the world, and while most countries dominated by a specific religion are often secular or liberal, the same is not true for Muslim countries, as Muslims are perhaps the most devout followers. In Islam, there is no scope for acceptance of homosexuality. The Quran makes it clear that this is a despicable act and centuries of Muslim history have lent credence to the same. This is why in most Muslim countries, homosexuality is outright illegal and sometimes punishable by death even.

This is why you will see our list dominated by Muslim countries. I am not saying that only Islam condemns homosexuality; most religions do, but their laws, if any, against homosexuality are not as strict as most Muslim countries and their interpretation of Shariah, or Islamic law. Our list is based on the most restrictive and dangerous laws for gay travelers, taken from here, and any updates made to this, such as the recent change in law in Sudan, removing the death penalty for homosexuals. We would have used physical attacks against LGBTQ travelers to compile this list, but, unfortunately, there is no such reliable data. So let's take a look at the countries which should definitely not be on any gay traveler's itinerary, starting with number 15:

15. St. Lucia

One of the most gorgeous places on this list, St. Lucia can turn from heaven to hell for homosexuals, with 10 years in prison for consensual buggery.

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14. Barbados

One of the only non Muslim countries on this list is Barbados, where homosexual acts can lead to up to a decade in prison.

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13. Malawi

Women get off comparatively easier in Malawi, though that is of course relative, to 5 years in prison against 14 for men for homosexual acts.

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12. Malaysia

Malaysia has very strict anti homosexual laws, and whippings and fines are just a cherry on top of the possible 20 years in prison.

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11. Sudan

Sudan would have ranked much higher in our list as it had the death penalty for homosexuals, but this was repealed just a couple of months ago, and now, has been replaced by a maximum of a life sentence. While that may not seem as amazing as no repercussions at all, it's still a slight improvement.

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10. Tanzania

If you are in Tanzania and indulge in homosexual acts, then you can face time in prison from around 30 years to even a life sentence. While it's a stunning country to visit, if you are gay, you might want to forego your plans.

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9. Somalia

While the official punishment for Somalia is 'only' up to 3 years in prison, which isn't bad considering this list. However, Somalia also has a lot of militants ruling different parts, who have been known to actually impose the death penalty against homosexual acts.

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8. Qatar

Qatar law imposes several years of imprisonment for such acts. However, it also has Sharia courts which can impose the death penalty.

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7. Yemen

If you're unmarried and engage in homosexuality, then you can receive a 100 lashes and one year in prison. If you're married and do it, then a death sentence awaits you. Luckily, there are no reports of said law being enforced at this point.

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6. Brunei

The tiny kindom of Brunei may have made waves by containing the coronavirus with just 145 cases and 3 deaths, there are still less appealing faucets to the kingdom, such as stoning to death for homosexual acts. While our original source somehow missed it, our up to date research ensured this was captured. Luckily once again, Brunei has backtracked on using this.

Pixabay/Public Domain Click to see the top 5 most dangerous countries for gay travelers. Disclosure: 15 Most Dangerous Countries For Gay Travelers is originally published at Insider Monkey.
