15 Most Reputable Companies In the World

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In this article we are going to list the 15 Most Reputable Companies In the World. Click to skip ahead and jump to the 5 Most Reputable Companies In the World.

Companies are generally established for one reason and one reason only; profit. You can work in a top company at the top level your entire life but you will still not be as rich as a person who owns a really successful business or company. And for the vast majority of people who work regular jobs, they work more than a third of the day, five days a week in a job that they're miserable at, at the worst possible pay, helping others make more money and become even richer. However, there is a reason that most people only work meagre jobs rather than starting their own businesses and achieving massive success. The first reason is the requirement of capital, which can be quite intensive depending on the business being established. Secondly, there is a huge risk in starting a business. It is true that whatever you earn is yours, less any costs that are incurred but it is also true that all of the losses are yours as well. Hence, if you fail, unless you're from a rich background with a trust fund, you might not even know where your next meal is coming from.

And this idea of becoming an entrepreneur and becoming a billionaire from nothing is over romanticized and exaggerated. Elon Musk working 110 hours a week and sleeping on the factory floor shows a dedicated boss, even though what this really means is greater pressure on his workers who will earn peanuts in overtime while Musk has become the highest earning billionaire in 2020. But this brings us, as I said, to the core of establishing companies, which is to make a lot of money for yourself and your shareholders, while destroying competition. After all, Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) has simply ripped apart competition by offering dirt cheap prices. When it tried to buy Pampers.com and the company refused to sell, Amazon actually sold the same products at such a low price, that it incurred major losses. But, it had vast reserves which allowed it to still operate without much issue even as its competition could no longer compete.

15 most reputable companies in the world

And while historically and even now, shareholders have demanded returns on their investment as the primary and often only consideration in investing in a company, the world is changing now. We have seen the impact on the world of major corporations, and unfortunately, more often than not, this impact has generally been in a negative connotation. Companies have continued unimpeded even as they harm the climate possibly to the point of no return, and are rightfully being lambasted for the same. In fact, many countries have now introduced regulations to nullify or at least significantly reduce the extent of the damage that is being inflicted by these companies, while also ensuring that they contribute to the betterment of people and society. This is why many companies now have to include a section in their annual reports on Corporation Social Responsibility and the activities that the company is undertaking under this banner.