20 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries In The World

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In this detailed article, we'll discuss the most immigrant-friendly countries in the world and their migrants-to-population ratio. We'll also highlight how the native population's attitude towards immigrants impacts their stay in a country and which aspects determine immigrants' preference towards a certain country. If you want to skip the details, jump to  8 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries In The World.

The most immigrant friendly countries in the world exhibit a combination of accessible policies and social acceptance to provide a welcoming environment for immigrants. These nations offer easier to gain legal access, work permits, or even permanent resident status. Notably, the parameter of permanent settlement doesn't apply to all nations as some allow immigrants pretty easily but don't give citizenship rights, i.e., Gulf countries. 

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Report 2022, 67% of migrant workers were residing in high-income countries (an estimated 113.9 million people), 29% were living in middle-income countries, and 3.6% were in low-income host countries in 2019. As the Best Countries In The World According to Immigrants, are those that offer a mix of stable employment rates for foreign-born populations and good life quality; a huge number of migrants present in high-income countries only makes sense. 

Acceptance Towards Incoming Settlers 

The ease of entry in the most-accepting countries for immigrants, however, is only one aspect. An equally, if not more, important aspect of an immigrant-friendly country is the attitude of the native population towards immigrants. These accepting societies generally hold positive or neutral views of immigrants, understanding and respecting cultural diversity and recognizing the potential economic and social benefits that immigrants bring. 

If we talk about the US, racial disputes and intolerance towards other cultures present a shifting dynamic in the country. According to a recent Gallup Poll, Americans are 6% less satisfied with the level of immigration into the country compared to last year's stats. Now, around 28% of people are okay with the country's massive number of immigrants, while this percentage was 34% in 2022. Interestingly, these are the lowest levels of the general public showing an accepting attitude towards immigrants in the past decade. 

Another Gallup World Poll says that 40% of Americans in 2023 want the current immigration levels in the country to decrease as they are dissatisfied with the rising foreign population around them. Another Gallup Poll's findings highlighted that 37% of Americans think migrants hurt the economy by driving wages down for them since they agree to work at lower wages. 

The wage-related concerns get an approval stamp when we look at data from the Public Policy Institute of California, which says that native workers' hourly wages are 12% lower than American-born workers. In the long run, migrants' lower pay expectations benefit the hirers but hurt the natives as their work opportunities get filled up by migrants. 

Which Country Takes in the Most Immigrants Per Capita?

The United States of America hosts the most immigrants per capita, reaching upwards of 50.6 million. Out of the country's current population of 331 million, 15% are immigrants, mostly coming from neighboring Mexico, China, and India. Notably, the USA and Mexico also share the world's largest country-to-country migration corridor, according to the World Migration Report of 2022. 

The US attracts immigrants because it's the world's largest economy in 2023, reaching a GDP of $25.5 trillion, and promises a better future to those who migrate with a dream of bettering their lives. The country also offers opportunities, competitive wages, and a relatively high standard of living. Additionally, its universities and educational institutions are among the best in the world, attracting a considerable number of international students.

It's often referred to as a "nation of immigrants," with policies and societal structures that, despite periodic controversy and debate, generally provide avenues for legal immigration and paths to citizenship.

Many born-Americans move too, especially in their retirement years. You can check out detailed insights at 20 Easiest Countries to Immigrate to from the US.

Which Country Supports Refugees the Most?

Turkey is the most supportive country of refugees in the world as it is currently hosting approximately 4 million displaced individuals. The count surpasses other countries, including Jordan, Lebanon, and Pakistan, which are also regarded as the most welcoming countries for refugees.

Turkey's humanitarian response to refugees is grounded in policy and infrastructure that foster conditions for integration and self-reliance. For instance, the Temporary Protection Regulation allows Syrian refugees to obtain temporary protection status and grants them the rights to access basic services, including healthcare and education. The law also states that individuals seeking temporary protection in Turkey shall not be punished through fines for illegally entering the country as long as they're identified by Turkish authorities while crossing the border. 

But despite Turkey's commendable efforts, the scale of the crisis continues to pose significant challenges. Many refugees remain vulnerable due to socioeconomic factors like language barriers and the informal labor market.

Talking about post-war restoration, responsible companies are at the forefront of fixing the harm that wars bring along. In that aspect, Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) has conducted multiple efforts to help army personnel. For instance, the company pledged $550,000 to non-profit and charity organizations that helped meet the relief needs of American service members and military families. 

Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) also donated $250,000 to American Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces to support the evacuation operations for service members, their families, and Afghan refugees in 2021. Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) also gave $250,000 to Headstrong, a network of mental health treatment providers that offer no-cost, confidential treatment for military personnel, war veterans, and military families. Since wars and country-level disputes take a toll on the involved individuals' mental and physical health, these initiatives by LMT are surely commendable.

In the tech space, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) is doing an excellent job of empowering refugees in a joint venture with UNHCR. Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) and UNHCR started a joint program in 2018 that empowers refugees in Kenya by providing future-ready digital skills to prepare them for livelihood opportunities. Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) has also created free training courses and curricula to help refugees gain digital literacy and computer science skills. 

With such rehabilitation efforts paired with the humanitarian funds that countries like Turkey and Pakistan get, we can hope for the world's refugee crisis to get better in the future. 

Which Country Is Best For Migrants in 2023?

If we consider employment opportunities for the foreign-born population and attractiveness for skilled workers, New Zealand is the best for migrants in 2023. Although the country's current migrant number totals 1.4 million, the growing acceptance rate for migrants presents strong prospects for incoming settlers. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment states that 54% of New Zealanders feel that migrants make their country a better place to live, and they appreciate how people from diverse cultures make NZ more vibrant.

20 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries In The World
20 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries In The World

20 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries In The World

Our Methodology 

We ranked the most-accepting countries for immigrants based on how many immigrants they currently host. However, since the number of migrants living in a country doesn't explain how much population percentage they comprise, we also explored the said countries' migrant stock in total population. Then we graded these nations based on their number of migrants and the percentage of their population these immigrants make. To get composite scores for the most-accepting countries for immigrants, we averaged their grades and ranked them in ascending order.

Our data sources for this study were Migration Data PortalKnomad Database, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Report 2022, Pew Research Center, World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees & Societies, and Gallup Poll, among others.  

According to our findings, here are the 20 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries In The World:

20. South Africa

Composite Ranking: 20


Number of Migrants: 2.9 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 4.8% 

South Africa has experienced significant inward migration from African nations, particularly Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Lesotho, and others. These immigrants are often seeking better economic opportunities or refuge from political instability in their home countries. Yet, this influx has also led to tensions and outbreaks of xenophobic violence in the country. 

19. Pakistan 

Composite Ranking: 19


Number of Migrants: 3.3 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 1.5% 

While Pakistan struggles with the worst brain drain and political chaos, its immigrant stock puts it amongst the top 20 countries in the world. Its immigrant population comprises mostly Afghan refugees, and many of them have lived in the country for decades after feeling the Soviet-Afghan war. Also, Pakistan has a huge population of Rohingya Muslims displaced from Myanmar.

18. India 

Composite Ranking: 18


Number of Migrants: 4.9 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 0.4% 

The majority of immigrants in India come from neighboring countries, with Bangladesh being the most prominent origin country. Also, people from Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are among the immigrants in India due to it being the 5th largest economy in the world. While immigrants contribute to India's diverse socio-cultural landscape, they also present security and resource allocation challenges. 

17. Thailand 

Composite Ranking: 17


Number of Migrants: 3.6 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 5.2% 

Thailand is one of the most-accepting countries for immigrants, both legal and illegal, primarily from neighboring countries. The largest proportion of immigrants come from Myanmar due to economic disparity and political instability. Other notable sources of immigrants include Laos and Cambodia, mainly including individuals who seek employment opportunities in Thailand's construction, agriculture, and seafood industries. However, their status can lead to exploitation, such as below-minimum wages and poor working conditions. Sadly, 57% of Thai people believe that if immigrant workers get exploited, they have only themselves to blame. 

16. Malaysia 

Composite Ranking: 16


Number of Migrants: 3.53 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 10.7% 

Immigrants in Malaysia mostly come from Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Nepal. These incoming settlers constitute a crucial part of the country's informal and formal labor market, manufacturing, and domestic work. However, immigration in Malaysia has been a contentious issue due to occasional societal and economic strains. There have been instances of overcrowding, pressure on public resources, and concerns about abusive migration detention

15. Turkey 

Composite Ranking: 15


Number of Migrants: 6 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 7.2% 

Turkey's strategic location has made it one of the most accepting countries for immigrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, predominantly from Syria. By mid-2023, Turkey hosts approximately 4 million refugees, the highest number globally, with Syrians accounting for the majority under the Temporary Protection status. Although Turkey has displayed commendable hospitality, the influx of immigrants brings along challenges like integrating immigrants into the local society and employment shortage. 

14. Ukraine

Composite Ranking: 14


Number of Migrants: 5 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 11.4% 

Ukraine serves as a destination for immigrants, mostly from former Soviet states. The Russian Federation and Belarus are significant sources, partly due to historical and linguistic ties. However, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has resulted in internal displacement, and the country will likely see a drop in immigration moving forward. 

13. Italy 

Composite Ranking: 13


Number of Migrants: 6.4 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 10.6% 

Italy is one of the most immigrant-friendly countries in the world. Immigrants in Italy come from Romania, Albania, and Morocco, alongside Asian countries like Pakistan, because of the easy availability of citizenship to immigrants' 2nd generations. Italy's location makes it an entry point for refugees and migrants attempting to reach Europe by sea. Sadly, there have also been some tragic accidents of illegal immigrants trying to reach Italy via the Mediterranean Sea. Recently a ship, that had illegal immigrants from multiple Asian countries on board, and was en route to Italy from Libya, sank and resulted in one of the deadliest accidents in the Mediterranean Sea.

12. Jordan

 Composite Ranking: 12


Number of Migrants: 3.5 million


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 33.9% 

Situated in the heart of the Middle East, Jordan has long served as a refuge for immigrants from conflict-ridden countries. The majority of Jordan's immigrant population is made up of Syrians, constituting over 675,000 registered refugees, according to UNHCR. Jordan is also home to a considerable number of Palestinian refugees, with estimates ranging from 2 to 3 million. 

11. Kazakhstan

Composite Ranking: 11


Number of Migrants: 3.7 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 19.9% 

The primary source of immigration to Kazakhstan originates from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China, due to shared borders and cultural ties. Given Kazakhstan's status as Central Asia's largest and most prosperous economy, it's a viable option for migrants seeking improved living standards. 

10. Spain

Composite Ranking: 10


Number of Migrants: 6.8 million


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 14.6% 

Spain is another one of the pro-immigrant countries in the world. It has a substantial immigrant population, representing around 14.6% of the country's total population. A huge percentage of these immigrants were from Romania and Morocco, with a growing number of arrivals from Latin America, particularly Venezuela, and Colombia, due to socioeconomic and political turmoil in those nations.

The Spanish government has typically approached immigration with a focus on integration and has had an extensive immigration policy to manage the process. However, the complex dynamics of immigration in Spain also involve irregular migration routes, mainly in the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Northern Africa. 

9. France

Composite Ranking: 9


Number of Migrants: 8.5 million 


Percentage of Migrant Stock In Total Population: 13.1% 

France had a diverse immigration landscape and traditionally attracted people from North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), Sub-Saharan Africa, and other European nations, i.e., Portugal, Italy, and Spain. However, recent conflicts and instability in the Middle East also led to an increased number of refugees from Syria and Afghanistan reaching France. 

Click to continue reading  8 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries In The World.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries In The World is originally published at Insider Monkey.
