25 Most Educated Countries In the World

In this article, we will take a look at 25 of the most educated countries in the world. If you want to see some more of the world's most educated countries, go directly to 5 Most Educated Countries In the World.

Along with capital and labor, education is one of the key factors in developing an economy. With a highly educated workforce, companies can be more productive, and more products and services can be produced. With more products and services produced, GDP can increase. With more education, there can be more economic growth and less poverty.

Education can also increase incomes. According to the World Bank, the economic returns on average of a tertiary education is a 17% increase in earnings compared to a 10% increase for primary education and a 7% increase for a secondary education.

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Increasing Education

In terms of the most educated countries, many are in the West given that those countries have more money to spend on education. With money, it's possible to have more schools and more teachers.

Nevertheless, given the advances in technology, there is the hope that technology can help educate the population more cost effectively.

Many people in the world have access to the internet now, and through the internet, it is possible to deliver educational courses and tests that can improve the efficiency of existing educational systems around the world.


In terms of companies, some leading tech giants are helping lower the cost of getting a quality education.

Among them, Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) is an e-commerce giant that sells textbooks for tertiary education. Given how big its cloud operations are, Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) also helps provide the digital infrastructure for many of today's and potentially the future's online educational companies.

Furthermore, Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) is trying to make the internet more available by signing multi-billion dollar contracts to eventually help launch 3,236 satellites to low earth orbit with its Project Kuiper. According to the International Telecommunication Union, 37% of the world still has never used the internet with one reason being that it is too expensive to offer internet through traditional cable or fiber methods. With satellite internet and Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN)'s help, however, universal internet could one day be achievable and with universal internet, it could be easier for hundreds of millions of people to potentially realize a higher level of education.

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is another tech giant that has a growing cloud operation that powers many education technology companies. In addition, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) makes productivity software given its Microsoft 365 Education software that helps make teachers in higher education potentially more effective. According to Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), "Microsoft 365 Education offers school leaders, teachers, IT staff and students the software solutions they need to improve learning outcomes, fuel classroom efficiencies, achieve goals, and save time and money."