4 new rules for achieving financial freedom

The American Dream is endangered, doomed or already dead, depending on which economic pessimist you listen to. But prosperity remains very much in reach for people willing to revamp their expectations and adapt to the changing demands of an unruly but still-rewarding economy.

My new book, Liberty for All: A Manifesto for Reclaiming Financial and Political Freedom, examines the unsettling ways millions of Americans are sacrificing prosperity, while calling for greater self-reliance as an antidote. The book also suggests many practical things ordinary people can do to improve their own fortunes at a time when many of the old rules about success no longer apply, as Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Aaron Task and I discuss in the video above. Here are 4 new rules for achieving financial freedom:

Stay mobile. There are still many pockets of economic opportunity in America—but they’re not everywhere and they can shift quickly. If you don’t live near opportunity, you’ve got to go find it. Americans have always moved around in search of a better life, whether it was homesteaders moving west in the 1800s, rural citizens moving to cities in the 1900s or immigrants coming to America from all over the world, beginning with the country’s founding. But we’re a lot less mobile than we used to be. The rate of “labor mobility’’—people moving around for a better job—has dropped to the lowest levels since the 1940s. At the same time, many companies say they can’t find all the workers they need, which means some people who might be gainfully employed but aren’t are simply in the wrong place.

Home ownership—the supposed core of the American Dream—remains a goal society imposes upon many young families. Yet it can actually preempt prosperity if it anchors you to a place where opportunity is scarce. Many people these days are better renting, because that preserves the freedom to move on short notice if your career hits a speed bump or a better opportunity pops up someplace else. With home prices rising only modestly and buyers scarce in some areas, it’s easy to lose money on a purchase if you have to sell unexpectedly. And companies don’t offer the generous relocation expenses they once did. Staying mobile is the best way to assure you’ll have the freedom to go where opportunity is, and escape where it’s not.

Know your vulnerabilities. Globalization and the digital revolution have vaporized entire industries, and now robots threaten to displace human workers, too. Nobody can turn back these powerful economic forces, but a lot of people can take steps to put themselves on the winning side of change rather than the losing side—and it starts with anticipating what could go wrong.