5E Advanced Materials Initiates Customer Qualification Program With Shipment of First Boric Acid Samples

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5E Advanced Materials, Inc.
5E Advanced Materials, Inc.

Commercial discussions with prospective customers have advanced along with the shipment of product for customer testing as the Company continues to progress towards Phase 1 commercial operation

Recent Boric Acid Samples from the 5E Boron Americas Complex
Recent Boric Acid Samples from the 5E Boron Americas Complex

Recent Boric Acid Samples from the 5E Boron Americas Complex

HESPERIA, Calif., July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 5E Advanced Materials, Inc. (Nasdaq: FEAM) (ASX: 5EA) (“5E” or the “Company”), a boron and lithium company with U.S. government Critical Infrastructure designation for its 5E Boron Americas Complex, today announced that it has initiated its customer qualification program, shipping samples of the Company’s boric acid to multiple customers. This key advancement is expected to facilitate further commercial discussions and form the foundation for off-take and supply agreements.

As the 5E operations team focuses on continued output from its flagship 5E Boron Americas complex, the commercial team remains consistently engaged with an expanding customer pipeline, and the qualification steps necessary for their respective end products. Customers currently in the qualification program include leading global materials science, consumer electronics, fiber optics, and specialty pharmaceutical glass companies which have a growing need to procure boric acid supply for their applications.

J.T. Starzecki, Chief Strategy Officer of 5E Advanced Materials, stated, “We are pleased to accomplish another milestone with the first shipment of boric acid samples. Our operations team have worked diligently to ensure the product meets specifications and they should be commended. Our market research continues to reinforce a tight market where supply continues to fall short of demand. We have had multiple inbound queries on our product availability and we continue to focus on working with customers in our pipeline.”

About 5E Advanced Materials, Inc.

5E Advanced Materials, Inc. (Nasdaq: FEAM) (ASX: 5EA) is focused on becoming a vertically integrated global leader and supplier of boron specialty and advanced materials, complemented by lithium co-product production. The Company’s mission is to become a supplier of these critical materials to industries addressing global decarbonization, food and domestic security. Boron and lithium products will target applications in the fields of electric transportation, clean energy infrastructure, such as solar and wind power, fertilizers, and domestic security. The business strategy and objectives are to develop capabilities ranging from upstream extraction and product sales of boric acid, lithium carbonate and potentially other co-products, to downstream boron advanced material processing and development. The business is based on the company’s large domestic boron and lithium resource, which is located in Southern California and designated as Critical Infrastructure by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.