Belltopper Gold Project Video

Novo Resources Corp.
Novo Resources Corp.

In This Article:

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. (Novo or the Company) (ASX: NVO) (TSX: NVO) (OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to provide a video update on the Company’s highly prospective Belltopper Gold Project (“Belltopper”), following the Company’s recent announcement titled “Belltopper Mineralisation Modelling Defines Prospectivity” released to the ASX on 25 September 2024 (“Belltopper Announcement”).

To view the video update, please follow the link to the Company’s website Novo Resources1.

Novo Belltopper Gold Project
Novo Belltopper Gold Project

Belltopper is located 120 km northwest of Melbourne and approximately 50 km south of Agnico Eagle’s Fosterville Gold Mine in the Bendigo Zone, an area with historical gold production of more than 60 million ounces.

Novo recently completed a six-hole, 2,529 m, diamond drill program in Q2 20242, commensurate with a re-logging and infill assay program on key historic holes. Recent campaigns build on previous drilling (2021 – 2022) and deliver new significant gold intercepts across a range of structural targets, including the discovery of two new gold reefs with significant strike potential.

1 The Company confirms that the video does not contain any new material information not already released to ASX.
2 Refer to the Company’s ASX announcement dated 4 June 2024 – Significant Results from Diamond Drilling at Belltopper, Victoria

The Belltopper Announcement defined an Exploration Target for Belltopper of approximately 1.5Mt – 2.1Mt at a grade range of approximately 6.6 g/t Au to 8.4 g/t Au and with a contained gold ounces range of approximately 320 koz to 570 koz.3

An Exploration Target as defined in the JORC Code (2012) is a statement or estimate of the exploration potential of a mineral deposit in a defined geological setting where the statement or estimate, quoted as a range of tonnes and a range of grade (or quality), relates to mineralisation for which there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource. Accordingly, these figures are not Mineral Resource or Ore Reserve estimates as defined in the JORC Code (2012). The potential quantities and grades referred to above are conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the estimation of a Mineral Resource. These figures are based on the interpreted continuity of mineralisation and projection into unexplored ground often around historical workings. The Exploration Target has been prepared in accordance with the JORC Code (2012).