Biden is winning the Democrats’ war for the middle class

You, middle America, are the battlefield for the top Democrats chasing the 2020 presidential nomination.

All major Democratic candidates want to reverse Trump administration policies such as cutting taxes on businesses and the wealthy and trying to kill the Affordable Care Act. But there are two distinctly different approaches among Democrats for (re)building America’s middle class.

Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders want to transfer money from the 1% to the masses through new taxes on corporate profits, financial transactions and personal fortunes that would fund huge new benefit programs. They’re willing to tear down existing institutions, such as private health insurance and the current student-loan system, and replace them with government-run programs they claim would be better.

Democratic presidential candidate, former vice President Joe Biden addresses a crowd at Wilson High School on October 26, 2019 in Florence, S.C. (Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

Former Vice President Joe Biden favors incremental changes that would cost far less and generally leave existing institutions in place. He wants to fix what’s broken instead of tearing it all down and starting over. Biden even claims some of his competitors’ plans would harm the middle class by eliminating generous health coverage unions have negotiated and Affordable Care Act insurance that covers some 12 million people. South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, running a competitive fourth place in the race, generally aligns with Biden.

Political implausibility of Medicare for all

Warren and Sanders risk going too far. Biden and Buttigieg risk not going far enough. For now, the Biden approach seems to have the advantage, because it would cost far less, require fewer new taxes, generate less uncertainty and confusion, and be less disruptive if some of the policies actually became law.

Graphic by David Foster/Yahoo Finance

Health care illustrates the defining difference between the Warren-Sanders leftists and the Bidenesque centrists. Warren and Sanders want to replace all private health insurance with Medicare for all, a single government program that would cover everybody. They argue such a single-payer program would be more efficient than the patchwork system we have now, and they may be right. But they glide over the transition to Medicare for all, which would be rocky at best and undoubtedly leave some Americans worse off, making the whole concept politically implausible.

Part of Warren’s plan to pay for Medicare is a new tax on employers similar to what they pay now for employee health care. Warren argues this leaves the middle class off the hook. But the middle class could end up bearing the cost indirectly and end up worse off, according to Douglas Holtz-Eakin of the right-leaning American Action Forum. “If employers have to make a Medicare contribution for every employee, they will turn around and reduce wages to offset that cost,” he writes. Companies might even reduce wages and employment levels if the tax to fund Medicare for all is based on head count or payroll.