Black Friday 'Princess' Shares Tips On How To Save Big

Image courtesy of Katherine Cauley · Yahoo Finance

Katherine Cauley, 33, has become something of a local shopping guru in her hometown of Rochester, N.H.

The mother of two heads up a popular couponing seminar several days each year, teaching locals how to squeeze the most savings out of Black Friday sales. For 5 bucks and a donation to a local charity, attendees get 90 minutes of tutelage from Cauley and her best friend, Renee Jerram. The pair has been couponing together for four years.

Cauley got the idea for the seminar after years of mastering the art of extreme couponing. She became so good at scoring household goods like paper towels and toilet paper for free that she earned the nickname "Princess of Paper Products."

"People had no idea, you know, in a small town that you could coupon like that and save so much money," she says. "When we started teaching classes, we had a huge amount of people who were interested in learning how."

But racking up discounts at the grocery store is little league stuff for Cauley these days. Black Friday is her Super Bowl.

“I’ve been shopping on Black Friday since I was a teenager, when I started doing it with a couple of friends,” she says. “It’s the one night you look forward to going out with friends and shopping all night. It’s an adrenaline rush to see how many items off your list you can get.”

Each year poses a bigger challenge than the last, and since Cauley will be spending the holiday with her family in Georgia this year, she’s been planning for weeks already.

We asked her to offer up some of her favorite tips and tricks to get the most out of the Black Friday rush — and make it home in one piece.

1. Check your expectations at the door. “Not everybody goes out on Black Friday shopping for Christmas. If you are, you are probably not going to be able to get your whole Christmas shopping done that night. When we teach our seminars, we tell people the first thing is that you need to be patient. You need to be organized. Start with one store and work it from there. Obviously, you’re not gonna build up a stockpile like mine overnight. “

2. Leave the little ones at home. “I personally won’t take my kids out to go shopping on Black Friday. It’s the busiest shopping day of the year, besides the fact that you see people getting trampled. I have an 8-year-old and a 4-year-old and they’ve never gone out with me. Usually, that’s because I’m shopping at midnight or 1 a.m. and it’s pretty cold. You could be standing out there six to eight hours in the cold.”

3. Make the wait as comfortable as possible. “I waited in line at least five hours for a TV at Target once and we were one of the first 10 people through the door. You have to dress appropriately for the weather. We bring a lawn chair or something that we can stow in the car. They give you plenty of time before doors open so a half hour before, you can get rid of everything you don’t need and put it back in the car.”