Cartier Reports High-Grade Silver, Lead and Zinc Values from Systematic Channel Sampling of the Underground Artisanal Workings at its Gonalbert Property, Southern Bolivia

Cartier Silver Corporation
Cartier Silver Corporation

In This Article:

Figure 1

Geological plan map showing locations of principal underground workings sampling and the main potential high grade Ag mineralization targets as indicated by results of channel sampling of underground workings.
Geological plan map showing locations of principal underground workings sampling and the main potential high grade Ag mineralization targets as indicated by results of channel sampling of underground workings.

Figure 2

Geological and sampling map of Mina Central, Level -40, the first level with high values of silver
Geological and sampling map of Mina Central, Level -40, the first level with high values of silver

Figure 3

Geological and sampling map of Mina Central, Level -100, with high values of silver across the level
Geological and sampling map of Mina Central, Level -100, with high values of silver across the level

Figure 4

Plan Map with Drill Holes Completed Showing Model Chargeability and Correlation of Chargeability with Potential High Grade Silver Target Areas outlined by Underground Channel Sampling
Plan Map with Drill Holes Completed Showing Model Chargeability and Correlation of Chargeability with Potential High Grade Silver Target Areas outlined by Underground Channel Sampling

Figure 5

Cross Section of Model Chargeability with Drill Holes DGL-01 and DGL-02
Cross Section of Model Chargeability with Drill Holes DGL-01 and DGL-02
  • Highlights from the Mina Central Adit include:

    • 512.5 g Ag/t & 14% Pb over 58m strike & average width of 0.5m (Level -40).

    • 132.40 g Ag/t & 7.1% Pb over 117m strike & average width of 0.4m (Level -40).

    • 153.7g Ag/t & 7% Pb over 20m strike & average width of 0.9m (Level -60).

    • 223.9 g Ag/t & 5.0% Pb over 30m strike & average width of 0.7m (Level -80).

    • 239.5 g Ag/t & 11% Pb over 125m strike & average width of 0.9m (Level -100).

    • 242.5 g Ag/t & 11% Pb over 164m strike & average width of 0.9m (Level -100)

    • 343.2 g Ag/t & 15% Pb over 40m strike & average width of 0.8m (Level -100).

  • Underground artisanal workings were sampled over a strike extent of 2km with results from 368 samples reported in eight principal artisanal working areas.

  • Areas of potential high grade Ag mineralization targets outlined from underground channel sampling correlate very well with strong chargeability anomalies.

  • A relatively strong chargeability anomaly extending northwards from the Mina Central area for approximately 700m is a prime target for further drilling.

  • Previously reported Hole DGL-01 that intersected 49.19 g Ag/t, 1.35% Zn & 1.31% Pb over 44.76m tested a deeper strong chargeability anomaly below Mina Central confirming potential for wider zones of higher-grade Ag mineralization at Gonalbert.

TORONTO, Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cartier Silver Corporation (CSE: CFE) (“Cartier Silver” or the “Company”) is pleased to report results from an extensive underground channel sample in eight principal areas over a strike length of 2km on the Gonalbert property, Potosi Department, Bolivia. The Company also recently completed a 3-hole, 1,364.8m reconnaissance drill program to test geophysical and geological targets for epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization. Results from the final two holes are reported.

Tom Larsen, CEO of Cartier Silver, commented: “We are very encouraged by the widespread high-grade silver values along with significant lead and zinc values obtained in the systematic underground channel sampling of artisanal workings across a 2km strike length on the property. The strong correlation of the target areas defined by this work with the strong chargeability anomalies is impressive. Results from initial drill hole DGL-01 which intersected 49.19 g Ag/t, 1.35% Zn & 1.31% Pb over 44.76m below the Mina Central Adit workings confirms the potential to outline much wider higher grade silver zones in areas with artisanal workings and coincident strong chargeability anomalies.”