Fed walks tightrope on loosening bank regulations amid coronavirus response

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As part of its armory of policy tools unleashed over the past few days, the Federal Reserve is encouraging banks to tap into their capital and liquidity buffers to support lending amid the coronavirus outbreak.

But large banks are floating the possibility of further regulatory easing, arguing that temporarily loosening some post-crisis regulations would better support households and businesses looking for financing.

In a note entitled “regulatory mountains may need to be moved,” Bank of America’s cross asset strategy team warned that lending standards are tightening amid other market volatility.

“We think a temporary emergency easing of various regulations would be necessary to ease the flow of credit and avoid unnecessary financial stress in the context of the ongoing pandemic,” BofA’s research team, which is separate from the bank’s lobbying team, wrote Tuesday. “We do not think such easing would constitute any threat to bank balance sheet strength or in any way reduce their defensiveness.”

Former Fed Governor Randall Kroszner told Yahoo Finance that suggested measures on paring back regulations like the global-systemically important bank (G-SIB) surcharge or the liquidity coverage ratio would be helpful as banks try to support the economy through the coronavirus concerns.

“That’s key: they’ve got to give confidence to the banks that the Fed is serious and that it’s okay for the banks to be doing a little bit more lending now, especially to small and medium sized enterprises,” Kroszner said. Kroszner served as a Fed governor between 2006 and 2009, during which he chaired the Fed’s committee on supervision and regulation.

Former Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chair Sheila Bair wrote in Yahoo Finance Wednesday that regulatory relief can be justified during times of stress, since banks need to be free to lend in order to counteract the negative economic consequences.

But Bair worries of “unnecessary and dangerous loosening of rules — rules that are designed to keep the financial system safe and stable in times like these.”

Capital and Liquidity

The regulations in question generally concern two key principles in banking: capital and liquidity.

Bank capital is broadly defined as assets minus liabilities and measures the loss-absorbing equity that a firm can rely on in possible distress. Liquidity, meanwhile, generally measures the ease by which a bank can unwind its assets into cash.

On capital, BofA writes that the Fed can ease the calculation of the G-SIB surcharge, an added capital requirement on the eight largest U.S. banks. The size of the surcharge is unique to each bank, but BofA writes that the Fed can recalibrate the calculation of the G-SIB surcharge without impacting capital strength.