Getchell Gold Corp. Increases Claim Holdings at the Dixie Comstock Project, Nevada

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VANCOUVER, BC, Sept. 8, 2024 /CNW/ - Getchell Gold Corp. (CSE: GTCH) (OTCQB: GGLDF) (FWB: GGA1) ("Getchell" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the staking of 16 unpatented mining claims at its Dixie Comstock project bringing the total number of claims to 44, covering 725 acres (293.5 hectares).

The Dixie Comstock Mine ("Dixie Comstock" or the "Project") is a past small-scale producer of gold, located in Churchill County, Nevada, 160 kms East of Reno abutting the eastern flank of the Stillwater Range in Dixie Valley.  Dixie Comstock is a low-sulfidation, epithermal gold system localized along a moderately east-dipping range-front normal fault.  Multiple episodes of gold bearing fluids have produced a 100m thick, shallowly dipping to the East, zone of mineralization that exhibits high-grade structurally controlled zones as well as an overall lower grade stockwork forming a rather consistent halo of mineralization.

Gold was discovered at Dixie Comstock in 1935 with the majority of the historic development and mining taking place in the intervening years through to 1942 when mining activities were halted by an order issued by the War Production Board requiring all non-essential gold mines to cease production.  Through this period four mining levels, vertical shafts, and 200-foot decline were developed and a flotation circuit mill with a cyanide plant constructed.  Cumulative production was reported as having 17,880 tons of ore mined at a 0.8 ounces per ton ("opt") Au equivalent grade with recoveries of 4,182 ounces of Au and 6,737 ounces of Ag. 

Sporadic activity occurred between 1952 and 1975 culminating in the select mining and shipping of 86 tons of material grading 2.3 opt Au to the ASARCO smelter that produced 172 ounces of Au equating to recoveries of 87%.  At the end of this period, all production occurred within 100 feet of surface.

From 1982 through to 1991 various operators completed 64,563 feet of drilling, consisting of 179 reverse circulation, core, and rotary drill holes, with an average spacing of 50-70 feet.  Drilling has delineated a well mineralized zone trending 300m NNE, approximately 100m thick, that has been traced for 200m down dip (Figure 1).  The mineralization remains open down dip to the East (Figure 2).

Table 1:  Highlighted Drill Hole Composites (Sample cutoff at >0.25 g/t Au) (CNW Group/Getchell Gold Corp.)
Table 1: Highlighted Drill Hole Composites (Sample cutoff at >0.25 g/t Au) (CNW Group/Getchell Gold Corp.)
Figure 1: Dixie Comstock gold project claim boundary and drill hole location map showing grade x thickness (CNW Group/Getchell Gold Corp.)
Figure 1: Dixie Comstock gold project claim boundary and drill hole location map showing grade x thickness (CNW Group/Getchell Gold Corp.)
Figure 2: Dixie Comstock Mine 50m wide section showing lithology, drill hole sample grades, and shallowly dipping gold zone. (CNW Group/Getchell Gold Corp.)
Figure 2: Dixie Comstock Mine 50m wide section showing lithology, drill hole sample grades, and shallowly dipping gold zone. (CNW Group/Getchell Gold Corp.)

Following the 1990 drill program, Mine Development Associates Inc. ("MDA") of Reno, Nevada, was retained to review and model the data with the objective of generating a mineral resource estimate and mine model.  In March 1991, MDA produced a technical report titled "Geologic & Mineable Reserve Study on the Dixie Comstock Property, Churchill County, Nevada, USA" (the "1991 MDA Study") in which the following was estimated (Table 2):