Inflation Hits a 30-Year High. Will It Sink Biden’s Agenda?

The Fiscal Times · Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

U.S. prices rose 6.2% over the last year, the largest annual increase since 1990, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced Wednesday.

Prices rose 0.9% in October compared to September, with the cost of energy, shelter, food and cars both new and used rising significantly during the month. On a 12-month basis, the cost of fuel oil is up about 60%, utilities are up 28% and the price of bacon is up 20%.

In a separate report, the Labor Department said that while wages rose on a nominal basis in October, the increase in inflation was enough to produce an overall decrease of 0.5% in wages when factoring in inflation.

The latest data are feeding worries that inflation will continue to be higher and more persistent during the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic than some economists had predicted. Both the White House and the Federal Reserve have portrayed recent price hikes as largely “transitory,” driven by comparisons with numbers from last year’s pandemic and supply chain problems that will eventually resolve themselves, but Wednesday’s report is raising new doubts about those claims.

A threat to Biden’s agenda — and presidency: Politically, the inflation numbers could make it more difficult for President Joe Biden to push through his $1.8 trillion Build Back Better bill, the next major plank of his economic agenda.

Sen. Joe Manchin, an essential vote in an evenly divided Senate, has repeatedly criticized the size of the bill — now reduced to about half its original size largely in response to his concerns — and on Wednesday the West Virginia Democrat indicated that the latest numbers may make him dig in on his position.

“By all accounts, the threat posed by record inflation to the American people is not ‘transitory’ and is instead getting worse,” Manchin tweeted. “From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and DC can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans feel every day.”

Biden responded to those concerns in a statement Wednesday, arguing that the recently passed infrastructure bill will help ease supply bottlenecks, while the larger social spending package still under debate would fight inflation by reducing the cost of child care, prescription drugs and health coverage.

Still, Biden sent a signal that he recognizes that rising prices are a problem. “Inflation hurts Americans pocketbooks, and reversing this trend is a top priority for me,” he said in a speech at the port of Baltimore. He said he has ordered White House officials to address the issue: “I have directed my National Economic Council to pursue means to try to further reduce these costs, and have asked the Federal Trade Commission to strike back at any market manipulation or price gouging in [the energy] sector.”