Liberty Star Summarizes Geochemical Results from Hay Mountain Drilling Program, SE Arizona

Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.
Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

In This Article:

TUCSON, AZ, April 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Liberty Star Minerals (Liberty Star or the Company) (OTCMarkets: LBSR) is pleased to announce the geochemical results of our recent drilling program at the Hay Mountain Property.

The first hole, HM-23-01, drilled to 1500 feet collared in a downfaulted block of limestone. The vertically drilled hole did encounter two zones of epithermal quartz veining, roughly parallel to the core from 627’ to 651’ and from 802’ to 912’. Both intersections reported gold values to 8PPB indicating that there is gold in the system at depth. Gold deposition in epithermal veins is not only controlled by chemistry, but also by pressure and temperature. The higher up in the system the fluids travel, the lower the pressure and temperature becomes, and the gold is left behind. This hole will be deepened, and additional angled holes will be drilled around it in the future to establish the width and grade of this gold system at depth. This mineralization is likely related to that seen on the Red Rock Canyon property. HM 23-01 did not produce any significant copper values.

The second hole, HM-23-02 was drilled vertically to 3437 feet, 0.6 miles east of the first hole. This hole encountered a marble front and intense propylitic alteration as previously reported. It also encountered four, flat lying sills of diorite intrusive between 2066’ and 2317’ down hole. These sills contained fragments of chalcopyrite and reported elevated copper content indicating that they had intruded through a more richly mineralized body nearby.

The highest-grade copper intersection in these sills was from 2228’ to 2240’ reporting 0.07% copper, including three feet from 2234 to 2237 reporting 0.114%.

Sample #

From ‘







Altered diorite





Diorite with <1% disseminated py & cpy





Diorite with <1% disseminated py & cpy





Best mineralized section of Diorite with to 1% py. Cpy





Diorite with <1% disseminated py & cpy


No significant gold grades were returned for this hole, although the PXRF used in the field did indicate gold in several samples. Those samples have been re-submitted for further analysis to check for nugget effect.

Overall, this drilling program was successful. The Company began the program hoping to encounter alteration related to porphyry intrusives and ended up not only finding that, but mineralization related to nearby intrusives as well. Porphyritic intrusions typically involve multiple phases of magma emplacement. Each phase may have a different grade of polymetallic minerals, from none at all to highly enriched. Based on observation of the core, these diorite sills are a late-stage pulse of magmatism. They have consumed the highly altered rocks into which they intruded. Our task now is to identify the main source of the magmatic intrusion as these copper bearing sills clearly point to a strongly mineralized body nearby. We are currently planning for our next round of drilling.