NorthWest Copper Announces Start of 2024 Lorraine – Top Cat Exploration Drill Program

NorthWest Copper Corp.
NorthWest Copper Corp.

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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NorthWest Copper (“NorthWest” or “the Company”) (TSX-V: NWST) is pleased to report that crews have mobilized to the field and drilling is expected to begin mid-July at the Lorraine-Top Cat project in north-central British Columbia. This is the first drill program for NorthWest in 2024. It is an integral component of the Company’s shareholder value objective to grow our mineral resource base via exploration.

Approximately 1,000 meters (“m”) of drilling is planned at Lorraine-Top Cat and the proposed holes will focus on the regional Nova and Road IP Targets (Figure 1). Both targets have potential to discover mineralization in areas outside of the current Lorraine mineral resource estimate (“MRE”) (indicated resources of 12.952 million tonnes (“Mt”) grading 0.55% copper (“Cu”) and 0.16 g/t gold (“Au”), and inferred resources of 45.252 Mt grading 0.43% Cu and 0.10 g/t Au at 0.20% copper cut-off grade1)2.

Location of the Drill Targets Nova and Road IP relative to NorthWest’s mineral tenure at Lorraine-Top Cat.
Location of the Drill Targets Nova and Road IP relative to NorthWest’s mineral tenure at Lorraine-Top Cat.

Figure 1. Location of the Drill Targets Nova and Road IP relative to NorthWest’s mineral tenure at Lorraine-Top Cat.

Road IP Target

The Road IP Target is a geophysical and geochemical target 13 kilometer (“km”) to the north of the Lorraine MRE and is within the same valley as the Nova Target. This target comprises a coincident magnetic low with internal magnetic high, induced polarization (IP) chargeability high, and Cu-Mo Ah soil and silt anomalies3. The Road IP Target model is that of a calc-alkaline porphyry system hosted by intrusions of the Hogem batholith, a deposit style that may exhibit geophysical and geochemical patterns that differ from targets in the Ducking Creek Syenite Complex, such as the Lorraine MRE. The Road IP Target occupies flat, low-lying ground, and is covered by an estimated (by the BCGS) 15 m of till. The target is bisected by and is accessible via the Upper Osilinka Forest Service Road.

Nova Target

The Nova Target is a geophysical feature consisting of coincident magnetic and IP chargeability highs. The strongest magnetic response measures approximately 400 x 200 m. Nova is approximately 10 km northeast of the Road IP Target. A boulder of pyroxenite altered to skarn collected from a borrow-pit along the road that crosses the Target returned high concentrations of Cu-Au-Ag-Pt-Pd of 1.39% Cu, 0.69 g/t Au, 6.45 g/t Ag, 0.21 g/t Pt and 1.398 g/t Pd.4 It is important to note that this potentially transported sample may not be representative of underlying bedrock. Thin section analysis by Dr. John Payne in 2019 described it as:

“Massive skarn dominated by actinolite with lesser magnetite-(ilmenite) and apatite, with a few skeletal interstitial grains of hornblende, scattered patches of chalcopyrite and much less abundant bornite (altered slightly to completely to covellite), and minor biotite and chlorite.”