Top 15 Most Advanced Countries in the World

In this article, we will take a look at the top 15 most advanced countries in the world. If you want to see more of the most advanced countries in the world, go directly to Top 5 Most Advanced Countries in the World.

Advanced countries are generally regarded as countries with modern economies that have leading technology. Although those countries may not invent all the technology they use, they utilize advanced technology more than countries that aren't as advanced.

Technology utilization has historically been a key driver of economic growth for nations.

The Bank of England explains the role of technology in economic growth. Britain's central bank notes that until 1750, economic growth averaged only 0.01% per year for 3,000 years. Then in 1750, GDP growth per person took off and averaged 1.5% per year. The Bank of England writes, "So what changed in 1750? Around that time saw the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Since this point in time, the world economy has expanded for nearly the entire time. But on average, GDP growth per person since 1750 has been 1.5% per year. This means that each generation has been around a third better off than the one before it, on average."

The British central bank also notes that it took the world an average of 50 years to double economic output after 1750 whereas it took the world 6,000 years to double economic output before 1750. Given the invention of the steam engine, cotton spinning, and railways during the industrial revolution, productivity increased substantially and more people were able to spend time developing new technologies. As a result of continued development, the 20th century saw another massive sea of change in what is now known as the IT revolution with the invention of computers and the internet.

Given the IT revolution, economies are able to grow even faster than before and living standards around the world have increased. The World Economic Forum describes the difference that technology can make in an economy, "For example, a 10% increase in broadband penetration is associated with a 1.4% increase in GDP growth in emerging markets. In China, this number can reach 2.5%. The doubling of mobile data use caused by the increase in 3G connections boosts GDP per capita growth rate by 0.5% globally. The Internet accounts for 3.4% of overall GDP in some economies. Most of this effect is driven by e-commerce – people advertising and selling goods online."

In the future, there is likely further potential economic growth given the continued development of artificial intelligence which could increase productivity even faster.