Top 15 Offshore Tax Havens in the World

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In this article, we take a look at the top 15 offshore tax havens in the world. For more on this, go to the Top 5 Offshore Tax Havens in the World.

Offshore tax havens offer foreign individuals and companies minimal or no tax liability in an economically and politically stable environment. These havens serve as attractive locations for non-residents who want to minimize or entirely evade tax liabilities without facing any legal complications. They allow foreign corporations and individuals to legally stash their wealth in tax havens and avoid getting taxed in their home countries. Simultaneously, tax havens economically benefit from the incoming capital.

Tax havens don’t require foreigners to have a residency in order to park money in the jurisdiction’s financial institutions. They have certain secrecy laws and lax regulations that make it easy for foreigners to stash their money and hide their income from tax authorities in their resident countries.

Recent research reveals that multinational corporations have globally invested a staggering $12 trillion through the utilization of empty corporate shells. Moreover, citizens from financially unstable and oil-producing countries hold a disproportionately significant portion of the $7 trillion personal wealth concealed within tax havens.

While past incidents such as Swiss Leaks, the Panama Papers, and recent disclosures within the offshore industry have shed light on some of the intricate methods employed by multinational firms and affluent individuals to evade their fair share of taxes, the offshore financial realm remains shrouded in opacity. The core services provided by offshore banks, lawyers, and domiciliation companies revolve around secrecy, making it exceedingly difficult to ascertain the exact magnitude of funds channeled through tax havens, their origins, and destinations.

The scale of profit relocation to tax havens is also staggering, with approximately 40% of corporate profits finding their way to these jurisdictions every year. As a consequence, countries such as the US face a significant annual loss of around 16% in corporate revenue to tax havens.

Corporations use several legal means to avoid getting taxed. For example, according to documents filed in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, in 2017, Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) – the parent company of Google – reported $23 billion in profits in Bermuda, a tax haven with a zero corporate tax rate. Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) employed the legal Double-Irish-with-a-Dutch-Sandwich technique for the purpose through a Dutch subsidiary. Under this arrangement, Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG)'s Dutch subsidiary facilitated the flow of royalties earned outside the United States to Google Ireland Holdings, an affiliate based in Bermuda.