AI misuse poses risks, political fallout for 2024 election

Following an incident of President Biden's voice being replicated in AI-generated robocalls, concerns arise over how artificial intelligence could impact future elections in the United States.

As part of Yahoo Finance's AI Revolution special coverage this week, generative AI speaker and advisor Nina Schick discusses why she is "not too optimistic" about the political ramifications to come from the AI boom.

Schick says AI is "the latest thing" to pose a risk "in an increasingly corroded information ecosystem." She notes the spread of disinformation and misinformation predated AI, but the ability of AI to clone human biometrics "has become far more accessible."

In this era of "exponential technology," Schick says we've seen economic shifts and changes in the balance of power. However, she thinks the growing concerns of AI misusage indicate a "declining trust in the process" around voting and political races.

"When people start to understand that anything can be synthetic, anything can be AI-generated, anything can be faked, they begin to lose trust in everything," Schick tells Yahoo Finance, adding: "And I think that is one of the core challenges we're facing."

Follow along with Yahoo Finance's AI Revolution special coverage this week, or you can watch this full episode of Yahoo Finance Live here.

Editor's note: This article was written by Angel Smith

Video Transcript

SEANA SMITH: As the 2024 election ramps up, there was a robo call that sounded like President Biden, and urged people not to vote in the New Hampshire primary. And that's fueling calls for regulation. Now, the source of the call remaining unknown. We want to bring in Nina Schick, author and advisor specializing in generative AI.

Nina, it's great to have you here. And going off of what Rick was just saying, the threat that AI potentially poses here to the 2024 election. How big of a risk do you think this is? Put in perspective for our viewers.

NINA SCHICK: Yeah. Great to be joining you today. I think that AI is just the latest thing that poses a challenge in an increasingly corroded information ecosystem. Long before AI was even in the game, we saw how mis and disinformation can spread like wildfire online. And that includes not even very sophisticated content, just a crudely edited video, a video that's been slowed down, or even an authentic video that's simply been miscontextualized.

But, of course, what is now different from 2016 or 2020 is that the so-called capabilities of generative AI, which include the ability to use artificial intelligence to generate synthetic video that can perfectly clone human biometrics has become far more accessible. So yes, Joe Biden can be cloned. President Trump can be cloned. We've already been seeing a lot of these synthetic videos in the political sphere.