American Apparel & Footwear Association CEO on U.S.-China trade under a Biden Presidency

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Stephen Lamar, American Apparel & Footwear Association CEO, joined Yahoo Finance to discuss his outlook for U.S.-China trade relations under a Biden Presidency.

Video Transcript

ADAM SHAPIRO: Let's talk about the China trade war. Remember that? Because the new administration is going to inherit that trade war and the 25% tariffs that are still hitting American consumers when you buy clothing and other kinds of things.

Let's talk about it with Stephen Lamar. He is the American Apparel and Footwear Association President and CEO. It's good to have you here, Stephen.


ADAM SHAPIRO: So do you expect anything different with a Biden administration on this trade war?

STEPHEN LAMAR: We think a Biden administration's going to be just-- you know, they're going to be tough on China as well. I would expect that the tariffs that we have in place aren't going to go away anytime soon. It is possible that we won't see new tariffs come on, certainly with the speed and vengeance that we saw them in the past. You know, we think a Biden administration would be probably more process based, more predictable, work with allies a lot more. And we're hoping that they'll be able to recognize that, you know, these global supply chains create a lot of jobs in the United States-- in our industry, 4 million jobs-- and that they also recognize that tariffs are ultimately paid by US consumers, by US workers, and by you and me.

SEANA SMITH: Steve, going off of that, I mean, nothing is really probably going to change between now and the end of the year. Of course, we're in this very important holiday season. How do you see the tariffs impacting holiday sales over the next couple of months?

STEPHEN LAMAR: Well, you know, the tariffs are already built into the price of a product that you buy. So when you are buying product in the United States, you are paying the tariffs that had been levied over the last couple of years. So unfortunately we're already seeing the impact of that.

Holiday is the most important shopping season of the year. We are putting a lot of effort into it. It's longer. It's more online. It's more omnichannel where there's a, you know, better integration between brick and mortar and online activities. And we're really hoping that it will be a good year end to what's been a very challenging year all along.

ADAM SHAPIRO: Some of us are old enough to remember the Duran Duran song "Notorious." You have your own version of the hit, the notorious markets report. And you actually point out that Amazon and Facebook and Instagram are providing platforms for people to sell counterfeit goods. How notoriously bad are those platforms at protecting us from counterfeits?