'Bitcoin is the best-performing asset class this year': BlockFi Founder

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BlockFi CEO & Founder Zac Prince joins Yahoo Finance's Zack Guzman to discuss interest earnings in the crypto currency sector.

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ZACK GUZMAN: But right now I want to introduce you to an interesting opportunity in the crypto space. It's offering a little bit of something that looks a little bit more attractive for some investors out there seeking higher interest rates. What if I told you, you could be earning 4.9% instead of the close to near-zero rates you could be getting in a traditional bank account?

That is what's being offered by one crypto startup, BlockFi, that's raised quite a bit of money here from some interesting backers, both Morgan Creek as well as Coinbase. Had them on the show before, and now the CEO of BlockFi and founder, Zac Prince, joins us once again. And Zac, when we talk about 4.9% that's a very attractive interest rate, and I'm sure a lot of ears perked up out there. But talk to you about how it works and who you're trying to attract with that offer out there.

ZAC PRINCE: Yeah, so first off, thanks so much for having me back on the show, Zack. I'm really happy to be here. And unfortunately, things are a bit weird because of COVID. And it's a very unfortunate situation. But for the cryptocurrency sector and for BlockFi, there's been a silver lining, which is that obviously everything digital is doing very well. The cryptocurrency sector is also truly global. And we've experienced a lot of growth at our company since we last chatted.

And Bitcoin, if you look at it as an asset class, is the best-performing asset class, this year better than gold, better than the S&P. So there's been a lot of tailwinds recently that have come to the cryptocurrency sector and to BlockFi.

You touched on the interest rates. So right now, on our platform as a consumer, you can download our mobile app or go to our website, and earn 8.6% on cash, which is held on our platform in the form of stable coins that you can send in from your bank account. You can earn 6% on Bitcoin, and you can earn 4.5% on Ether.

Why does that exist? It's really simple from a user's perspective. You mentioned your roommate might be a fan of it. It's really easy to use, but there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes to enable us to do that. We're the largest lender of cryptocurrencies to institutional borrowers, who today are primarily market makers and proprietary trading firms, that are active in this asset class and have been for a while, but they can't finance that activity with their traditional prime broker relationships, because banks aren't active in the space yet.