Boeing woes: Engine cover falls off Southwest plane

Boeing's (BA) ongoing challenges have taken another turn, as an engine cowling reportedly fell off a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 during takeoff. This latest incident adds to the aerospace giant's growing list of operational issues.

Yahoo Finance's Seana Smith and Jared Blikre break down the details.

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Editor's note: This article was written by Angel Smith

Video Transcript

JARED BLIKRE: More trouble for Boeing-- an engine cowling fell off a Southwest Boeing 737-800 mid takeoff at the Denver International Airport over the weekend. The plane was towed back to the gate, following the incident, which the FAA says it will investigate. And, Seana, my goodness, I'm hearing conversations with people, I'm having conversations with people who don't want to fly commercial flights when the maker of the plane is Boeing, and here we have another incident. If I'm on the plane and I look out and the engine's on fire, I'm second guessing my decision, perhaps, that I boarded a Boeing plane in the first place. And I'm editorializing here, but geez.

SEANA SMITH: Yeah, and I think you're exactly right, because we also have to put this in context. This is far from the first issue that Southwest has had with a Boeing plane, even just over the last several weeks. Remember, it wasn't too long ago that the Boeing flight from Austin turned around mid-flight after a crew reported possible engine issues. And then there was two separate crews back towards the end of March have reported issues related to a flap and related to an engine. So clearly, when you see another headline like this a real risk here is obviously for some more backlash, not only for Boeing but for these airlines here, for passengers who simply don't feel confident in riding on these Boeing airlines, Boeing planes anymore.

And this is just the long list of uncertainties that are ahead for Boeing. We talk about the fact that there's going to be further FAA oversight here just in terms of future regulations. You also have the labor negotiations, a new leader--

JARED BLIKRE: And then who's going to lead the company, that's the big one.

SEANA SMITH: Who's going to lead the company, and then also what the future of the company looks like when you talk about the potential for a major acquisition, as well. So certainly are a lot of uncertainties on, I guess, on the plate right now here for Boeing. And that's a big reason why Bernstein was one of the analysts to say that the stock right now is in purgatory until they do resolve a number of these issues.