Mergers and acquisitions are expected to rise in 2022: Survey

Datasite Chief Revenue Office Todd Albright joins the Yahoo Finance Live panel to discuss the outlook for M&A deals in 2022.

Video Transcript

EMILY MCCORMICK: It's been a record year for dealmaking in 2021. Through the first three quarters of the year, global mergers and acquisition activity reached an all-time high, with more than 27,000 deals completed for a total combined value of $3.4 trillion. We're welcoming in Datasite's chief revenue officer, Todd Albright, now for more. Todd, thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. Looking back at the incredible volume of deal making this year, what do you think were the biggest factors in the market environment that really contributed to this?

TODD ALBRIGHT: Well, it's very nice to be with you, Emily, and on the show today. I have to say, we've been in a bull market for M&A since June of 2020. If you look at the deals that have been happening on our platform we're up year to date 34% year on year. And again, it's all the more astonishing as we lap COVID. Keep in mind the deals that we're seeing on our platform are at inception, not at announced deals. So we get visibility on the market six to nine months of when they actually happen.

But again, you're looking at a low interest rate environment. And particularly, in this age of COVID, you're looking at company's future proofing their business through very aggressive moves, particularly in technology where deal volumes, according to our data, were up 44% year on year, and then particular combinations that would increase competitiveness in the future.

JARED BLIKRE: Well, let's talk about that low interest rate environment. And also the fact that the Fed is tapering, a lot of this is liquidity driven. So we might have slightly higher interest rates next year. But I'm noting in your survey of 600 deal makers that 48% of them expect that the M&A blitz will continue to increase, and we'll have another record year in 2022. Just your thoughts on this in general.

TODD ALBRIGHT: Well, there is nothing in our data that suggests otherwise. And again, we did survey 600 deal professionals. And again, deal professionals or dealmakers in our parlance are investment bankers, corporate finance professionals, private equity professionals, and all the advisors, legal, tax, and otherwise, that serve the M&A industry.

And the view is with-- though the Fed may be tapering and though we may see an increase in interest rate, that doesn't change the fact that from a historical perspective, there are really low interest rates and ample private capital, particularly in the private equity communities, on the sideline, and then debt financing available as well, so we expect it to continue to rise.