Drybar Founder tells struggling entrepreneurs to ‘dig deep and get creative’ amid COVID

Drybar Founder Alli Webb joins Yahoo Finance Live to break down how business owners are grappling with unexpected pandemic challenges and discuss the future of hair salons post-pandemic.

Video Transcript

- Welcome back to Yahoo Finance Live. If you know anything about hair, you probably know what a blowout is. And if you know what a blowout is, you probably know the founder of our next company here. Alli Webb is the founder of Drybar. She's joining us now to discuss, you know, the impacts of the pandemic here, as well as how entrepreneurs are going to have to shift around with all the changing things here in 2020.

I want to bring on Yahoo Finance's Melody Hahm here, as well, to discuss all of this with us. And Alli, appreciate you coming on here. I know you're very busy now hosting a new podcast here in Raising the Bar with Alli and Adrian. We'll get to that in a second, but first just want to talk about kind of all the changes that businesses like yours are going through here.

Obviously, it's a bit of a strange time. You talk to a lot of entrepreneurs about grappling with things. Not sure if everyone's always prepared, necessarily, for a pandemic, but you have to be prepared for everything. So talk to me about what you've heard in terms of not only just how your business is impacted by all this, but also what you're hearing from entrepreneurs grappling with unexpected changes.

ALLI WEBB: Yeah, I mean, it's just such an unprecedented time, and you know, most of my friends are founders of businesses, and we are all kind of in the same boat of trying to-- I mean, I hate to use the word pivot because I know it's so overused this year, but really like pivot and figure out more creative ways to keep things going, keep the lights on in their business. It really is causing us all to have to dig deep and get more creative and, you know, pull on levers of things that we hadn't been thinking about before.

And yeah, I mean, there's just this like, I feel like, the sense in the founder community is like just hang on, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel with all the vaccinations coming now. And you know, I think if we can all just kind of, you know, hunker down, and there's so many adjustments that you can make as a business owner, you know, to do your best and hope you can kind of weather the storm, if you will. And I think that's kind of the mentality of everybody, that this is going to pass and we will get back eventually.

And the silver lining and the good news for me, I think for my businesses and my friends' businesses, is that everyone's going to come out, you know, very excited to get back, you know, getting their hair blown out again, getting massages again. All of the things that we miss so much will be-- you know, people will be coming out in droves, I believe, after this. So fingers crossed.