Earnings estimate cuts are just beginning, strategist says

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Nuveen Chief Investment Officer Saira Malik joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the state of the stock market, inflation, consumer spending, fears of a recession, energy, and the outlook for the economy.

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BRAD SMITH: --continue the conversation. And joining us now for a deeper dive in the markets after what has been a rocky first half of the year is Nuveen chief investment officer, Saira Malik. Great to have you here with us. For whatever bear market rally we may have seen from, what, last Thursday through Friday, June 24, we've seen to kind of slip once again here. And so, from your perspective, how low could we go, perhaps, here on the markets? And what are some of the areas that investors should continue to be wary of right now?

SAIRA MALIK: Thanks. There's three areas to watch to determine whether we're seeing a bear market rally or the market's bottoming. And that's inflation, earnings, and valuation. Just today, with inflation, we are starting to see signs of it moderate. But the issue is that we're also seeing what we'd hope to see as a shift in spending for the consumer from goods and services.

But it looks like the consumer is now shifting away from both goods and services. And that's an issue. It leads us to our key risk for the second half for equities. And that's earnings and whether they're going to be the next shoe to drop. I think with the consumer weakening, fears of a recession, and the fact that estimates really haven't come down, we're worried about companies' forecasts for the second half of this year.

The valuations are a better story, with the S&P multiples down over 5 points year to date. We're looking at average historical valuations for the markets. But given all of this together and the fact that we have so much data showing that a recession may be coming, that was more likely a bear market rally that we saw. And we don't think the S&P has bottomed at this point.

JULIE HYMAN: Saira, it's Julie here. It already feels like the shoes are starting to drop or maybe some slippers. I don't know what the appropriate analogy would be, right? You know, we got Bed, Bath & Beyond, and we've been talking about this, especially with consumer spending. Bed, Bath & Beyond, RH now coming out, Target coming out. It's especially been concentrated in that area.

But we also see a lot of the tech companies, especially startups, starting to cut jobs, which, presumably, we'll see maybe some feedthrough effects to some of their earnings as well. So it feels like that the earnings are starting to come down in terms of estimates and outlook. How much more do you think we're going to come down in the second half?