Fiscal policy ‘has made inflation much worse rather than better,’ CRFB president says

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget President Maya MacGuineas joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the expectations for President Biden’s budget proposal for 2024, increasing interest payments, reducing debt, and inflation.

Video Transcript

JULIE HYMAN: The White House is set to release President Biden's budget proposal for 2024. The stakes are higher than ever with the national debt approaching record levels. It depends on which economists you talk to of how concerned they are about that one. But interest payments are also set to triple over the next decade to become the single largest line item in the federal budget by 2050. This according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal budget.

And the president of that organization, Maya MacGuineas, is joining us now to discuss. Maya, it's great to see you. Thank you for being here and always being so gracious to talk to us about these budgets, which are a thorny issue to dive into. What we know about the budget from what we know about the budget thus far, what stands out to you if you had to put things in the negative and positive column?

MAYA MACGUINEAS: Well, I think we have a pretty good sense of what we're going to see in this budget. The president has already floated his plan to help lengthen the solvency period for Medicare. And that plan is raising more revenues and putting additional revenues into the Medicare Trust Funds. And I think that's kind of illustrative of what we're going to see throughout the budget, which is we know the president is going to stand for, push for a lot of new revenues. This was what was in his budget last time.

They've already raised some taxes, but a lot of taxes they've looked at, for instance, increases in corporate income taxes, haven't happened. And I'm quite certain that the big push in this budget will be new revenues. It will cover additional spending. And there will also be deficit reduction. So from a fiscal perspective, it's a step in the right direction. Assuming they do reduce the deficit, that is the right thing. But I think the devil will be in the details, and I can tell you, as is the case with most presidential budgets, this will go nowhere. This will not be the beginning of earnest negotiations, which is what we really need.

INES FERRE: Go nowhere? Oh, no. Tell us a little bit about how does inflation play into all of this because inflation is really front and center this year. Talk to us about the challenges when it comes to inflation and this budget.

MAYA MACGUINEAS: Excellent question. Obviously, dealing with inflation is one of those important economic priorities that there is right now. It falls mainly to the Fed to handle this, but not entirely. And what we've seen for the past years is that fiscal policy, which has been expansionary, even once the economy was strong, has made inflation much worse rather than better. And so one of the things normally, when the fiscal situation is bad as it is right now, one looks for how is the debt to GDP going to look over a 10-year budget, 10-year window in the budget that the president submits? It's going to be different this year.