FOMC: ‘Investors should expect a terminal Fed funds rate markedly higher,’ Fed expert says Joseph Wang joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the Dow dropping below 700+ points and the expectations for the Fed’s rate hike meeting.

Video Transcript

- Let's take a look at markets as we are 15 after the hour here on the East Coast. We're taking a look at the Dow down 2.5%, S&P 500 down 3.5%, and the NASDAQ down 4.2%. A nasty sell-off, this two days before the Federal Reserve's much-anticipated announcement.

Again, we're expected to hear from Fed Chair Jay Powell at 2:00PM on Wednesday. Another 50 basis point hike on the table. That remains the expectation.

But of course, with all the choppiness in the market, the question is, will further Fed rate hikes rock the boat further? Joining us now to break it down, former New York Fed official Joseph Wang a.k.a. FedGuy12 on Twitter. Great to have you on the program, Joseph. Just kind of want to kick things off by asking about what your expectations are for the Fed as they continue this firefight with inflation.

JOSEPH WANG: Hey, Brian. First of all, thank you for having me. Pleasure to be here.

So as you noted, the market expects 50 basis points, although there is some expectation priced in for a 75 basis point hike. So from what I understand about the Powell effect, first rule, do not surprise the markets. So as Powell has been noting, 50 basis points. Heading up to the meeting, I expect him to do 50 basis points.

That being said, and as we can see pricing to the markets, the terminal rate for the Fed funds is moving higher. So what I expect is the Fed to actually do 50 basis points this week, but to slowly guide the market toward a higher terminal rate. And potentially, a more rapid pace. So they're going to keep the possibility of doing a 75 basis point or more hike in future meetings.

- Yeah, and it seems like really, the big-- sorry, I just kind of wanted to ask for a little bit elaboration on that. Because I guess we've heard from the Fed that they're going to get 50 basis points in this meeting. 50 basis points again in the July meeting. Which some might argue, did they paint themselves into a corner by promising that commitment? So when you say they're going to promise maybe a higher terminal rate, either through that plot or just through the press conference, does that imply that you see those more aggressive rate hikes happening in the later meetings that they haven't committed to or actually changing the course for perhaps even July?

JOSEPH WANG: So July is in the future. I think it would be fine for Powell to guide or at least open up possibility of larger rate hikes above 50 basis points. Opening up the possibility for 75 in a future hike. I think if you were to make the comment that maybe there could be a 75 in July, I think that's early enough. So that would be enough time for the market to adjust.