The ‘good news’ and ‘bad news’ about the stock market today: Strategist

CFRA Chief Investment Strategist Sam Stovall joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the state of the stock market, recessionary risks, rising interest rates, economic growth, and the expectations for third-quarter earnings season.

Video Transcript

BRIAN SOZZI: Markets are locked into the mindset. The US is poised to plunge into a nasty recession perhaps very soon as interest rates continue to climb. But is that the right call? Joining us now is CFRA chief investment strategist, Sam Stovall. Sam, always great to get some time with you. Really liked your comment in our Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer's newsletter over the weekend on a little historical perspective on market sell-offs and economic growth. What does history say about the sell-off we're seeing here? How much longer do you think this can last?

SAM STOVALL: Well Brian, good question because history basically says that the good news is that no bear market decline that then recovered-- 50% of that decline then went to set an even lower low. And that's basically what we have seen since June 16. And we bounced off of the June 16 low last Friday. The bad news is that history is a great guide. But it's never gospel. So who knows exactly what is going to happen.

I think based on the lack of sub-industries within the S&P that are trading above their 10-week moving average at only 7% above their 40-week moving average, which is exactly equal to where we were on June 16, that implies that we probably could end up seeing a relief rally in the making. The only question is whether it is likely to be sold into, or the beginning of a new bull market. But history says we probably have more to go to this downside.

BRAD SMITH: What do you expect sentiment to be around a relief rally? And would it have this, what someone had described to us previously, a rip your face off rally-type tenor to it? And is that something that investors should even be banking on?

SAM STOVALL: Well Brad, I think that they shouldn't necessarily be banking on it-- maybe be aware of it. But as Brian was asking before, I think that this will be a bear market with a recession because every time that the year on year percent change in headline CPI exceeded 6.5% since World War II, we had both. And bear markets with recessions have ended up being deeper and lasting longer than those without recession-- average decline being 35%.

So I think that we'll probably end up seeing this bear market bottom at around 3,200, which would be a 33% decline, very similar to long term averages. PE ratios tend to fall by one third, which would bring us to about a 14.9 PE ratio, which, again, is consistent with history. Then I would be looking for a rip your face off kind of rally because typically, we see a new bull market be triggered within three months, and the average gain of 47% 12 months later.