Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States

Yahoo Finance's Editor- in- Chief Andy Sewer joins the Yahoo Finance Live panel with final thoughts as Joe Biden is now the 46th President of the United States.

Video Transcript

KRISTIN MYERS: I want to bring back into the program Yahoo Finance's editor in chief, Andy Sewer, for some of our last thoughts here now. And Adam, you were asking me a question a little bit earlier about how I was reacting, as a younger person, to this inauguration after this very chaotic election that we had. And I want to throw that question back to you and also to you, Andy, about some of your thoughts, your reactions, on this day after you've witnessed a couple of inaugurations now-- what you're making of this moment.

ANDY SEWER: Kristin, more than a couple-- I have to say. But, you know, they're all the same. And they're all different. That's what I'll say about inaugurations. Some of them are sort of a continuation, a continuum if you will-- say, for instance, when we go from Ronald Reagan to George H.W. Bush. Some of them are much more of a demarcation, which is to say maybe going from H.W. Bush to Clinton.

This one is a huge break-- a huge break. And it's different in terms of politics, but even more importantly, in terms of tone and priorities. I don't know about you guys, but it's only been about two hours-- it's only been about two hours, and already the world feels pretty different to me. And I'm feeling that on social media and communicating with friends, acquaintances, and people I don't know, on different platforms. And for a majority of Americans, a majority of Americans, their hope now lies with a 78-year-old man who has been through the wringer personally and professionally.

And we look forward to what he hopes to accomplish. The challenges are myriad-- the pandemic, the divisiveness, climate change, our relationship with China, income and wealth inequality. But he spoke to those. He spoke about it. And I think he understands the task at hand, which is Herculean. But I should also point out-- we are here at Yahoo Finance-- that so far the market seems to like it. The market is up nicely since November 3rd. And it's up today as well, you guys.

ADAM SHAPIRO: Kristin, very quickly-- the thing that really was moving to me was Kamala Harris and watching her be sworn in. Just, we don't get to a moment like this without millions of Americans taking steps that make it possible for a Kamala Harris to be elected. So that was something, I think, that just resonated. Again, I keep referring to these eyes, which have been open since Richard Nixon was inaugurated, and I think that the arc of history is moving in the right direction. Andy Sewer, thank you.