Market strategist: ‘This is a good time to be underweight stocks

BlackRock Global Allocation Fund Managing Director Russ Koesterich joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss market uncertainty, recessionary risks, inflation, and Fed tightening.

Video Transcript

BRIAN SOZZI: Shun stocks because the market may be underestimating recession risk. That's the blunt take on the markets served up by the team at BlackRock this week. For more on this one, we have BlackRock managing director and portfolio manager Russ Koesterich here with us. Russ, great to get some time with you, as always. My week started with this note, and this is a big call by the team to say shunning stocks. What's behind this call, and how long do you think it'll be in play?

RUSS KOESTERICH: Well, look, I think that you're normally going to own stocks in a portfolio. The way I would interpret that is really that for most investors, this is a good time to be underweight stocks, which is what we're doing in the global allocation fund. Why is that? I think there are a couple reasons, the first of which we've been living with all year. Given multi-decade highs in inflation, we're seeing the most aggressive tightening campaign from the Fed and other central banks in decades. That is causing valuations and multiples to go down.

I think most of that process is down, but it doesn't mean it can't go a bit further. But going forward, arguably the larger risk for equities is not so much the multiple. It's earnings. And we're still in an environment where analysts have been very comfortable keeping optimistic earnings assumptions.

As the economy slows, as recession risk does go up, the odds that you're going to be able to deliver on those earnings go down. And I think one of the challenges, one of the key things for investors going forward is to look for companies that are going to be able to demonstrate earnings resiliency in a much, much tougher macro environment.

BRAD SMITH: Do you believe that software is going to be able to do that? Software has been extremely hit hard. Yet it's kind of linked in with your stable growth equities play right now in industries such as software and healthcare services.

RUSS KOESTERICH: That is correct, and we do think that these areas are going to be more resilient. And you're exactly right. Software has had a really, really difficult year. But again, why is that? It's less been about earnings. It's more been about that correction in valuations. Software companies, tech companies obviously very aggressively valued early in the year, late last year, and as real rates have had this massive adjustment.