Paramount CEO talks the growth of Paramount+, the key to streaming success, and why he’s still bullish on theaters

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Paramount CEO Bob Bakish speaks to Yahoo Finance's Alexandra Canal at Yahoo Finance's 2022 All Markets Summit.

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ALEXANDRA CANAL: Paramount CEO Bob Bakish leads one of the world's top media and entertainment companies with a powerful collection of brands from CBS, Showtime, and Nickelodeon to MTV, BET, and Comedy Central, and not to mention, one of the most storied Hollywood Studios, Paramount. The media and entertainment industry is going through a complete rewrite with, quote unquote, "new normals" triggered by COVID-19 and shifting consumer demands. Bob Bakish joins us now to discuss that and so much more. Bob, thank you so much for being here.

BOB BAKISH: Great to be here.

ALEXANDRA CANAL: All right, I want to start first with streaming and Paramount+. We've seen this roller coaster focus on profitability, the subscriber slowdowns. But Paramount+, they've been killing it-- 43.3 million total subscribers. In your view, what has Paramount+ done right? And what do you think it still needs to work on to be in that top, top of the streaming wars?

BOB BAKISH: Yeah, so we're thrilled with the performance of Paramount+. And when we launched the product a year and a half ago, and it was a rebranded version of CBS All Access that we built on and expanded, people said, ah, you're too late to the party. You're too small. And we looked at it and we said, well, wait a minute. We think there's an opportunity in the marketplace for a broad service. And we think that really leverages our unique portfolio of assets.

So we came to be news, sports, and a mountain of entertainment. And we put, really, the weight of the whole company behind that. And since then, through a strong content, through marketing, which leverages our platforms, through, really, a tightly integrated distribution strategy, we went on to become much bigger than anyone thought.

And in fact, if you look at 2022, we've led the industry in the US in subscriber additions every month this year, except February. And in February, one of our competitors had the Super Bowl and the Olympics, and, OK, we were number two that month. But other than that, we've been number one. So we're growing very quickly. And we're extremely happy. And we see a great road ahead for this service.

ALEXANDRA CANAL: And you confirmed earlier reports that there are talks to potentially combo Paramount with Showtime. Have those talks advanced in any way, especially with the departure of David Nevins?

BOB BAKISH: So we're focused on developing a compelling consumer proposition, and by extension of that, a compelling distributor proposition. And when we launched Paramount+, at the core, we said our advantage is broad. So and when you look at that, every month, we prove that right. The combination of news and sports-- having the NFL back is awesome. Having UEFA is awesome. Mixing that with Paramount films, which, by the way, we've had six number one films--