Sen. Elizabeth Warren grills JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon over overdraft fees

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Big U.S. banks are being criticized for not doing enough to help the public during the pandemic. Yahoo Finance’s Brian Cheung weighs in.

Video Transcript


MYLES UDLAND: Well, bank executives went down to Capitol Hill yesterday to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Today, those executives will testify before members of the House. Yahoo Finance's Brian Cheung stopping by now to tell us about old friends Jamie Dimon and Elizabeth Warren locking horns. What else would happen during one of these events?

BRIAN CHEUNG: Absolutely. So yesterday, six bank CEOs of the largest US banks-- largest six US banks-- appeared in front of the Senate Banking Committee, and it was generally called an annual oversight meeting, so there wasn't one specific topic. And because of that, the politicians were all over the place when it came to certain topics. Hong Kong came up at one point. The Georgia voting law at another time. But what caught a lot of attention was an exchange between Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren and JPMorgan Chase's Jamie Dimon over their overdraft fee policies during the pandemic. Take a listen.

ELIZABETH WARREN: So, Mr. Dimon, how much did JPMorgan collect in overdraft fees from their consumers in 2020?

JAMIE DIMON: Right. I think your numbers are totally inaccurate, but we'll have to sit down privately to go through that.

ELIZABETH WARREN: Sir, these are public numbers.

JAMIE DIMON: I also want to point out, we did not overdraft--

ELIZABETH WARREN: Can you just answer my question?

JAMIE DIMON: We did not overdraft--

ELIZABETH WARREN: How much did JP Morgan collect--

JAMIE DIMON: We did not overdraft-- we did not overdraft at the Fed account. And at any request--

ELIZABETH WARREN: So you never--


--they needed--

ELIZABETH WARREN: I'm sorry, Mr. Dimon.

JAMIE DIMON: They needed COVID relief. They got $120 million--

ELIZABETH WARREN: Mr. Dimon, that was not the question.

JAMIE DIMON: --on request.

ELIZABETH WARREN: Did you-- you had an automatic protection. So I'm asking, you were recommended-- the regulators recommended you offer that same kind of protection to your customers.

JAMIE DIMON: And we did.

ELIZABETH WARREN: How much, in fact--

JAMIE DIMON: And we did.

ELIZABETH WARREN: --did JPMorgan collect in overdraft fees from their customers in 2020? Do you know the number?

JAMIE DIMON: I don't know the number in front of me, but we--

ELIZABETH WARREN: Well, I actually have the number in front of me.

JAMIE DIMON: --upon request--


JAMIE DIMON: --upon request, we waived the fees.