Tesla CEO Elon Musk needs to shut up, but not step down: Investor

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Shares of Tesla (TSLA) are down over 25% since the start of 2024 amidst declining EV delivery growth. Analysts at Daiwa Capital Markets downgraded Tesla stock to Neutral from Outperform with a price target of $195, down from $245 due to mounting issues with Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management CEO Ross Gerber — a Tesla investor himself — joins Yahoo Finance to discuss Tesla's performance and how he feels about Musk's position as CEO.

"The cost of Elon's behavior is really hurting shareholders and it's really unfortunate because the reason we're holding the stock is the long-term potential of Tesla is immense. So, you know, it's this catch-22," Gerber explains.

Gerber says that "Elon is eroding the value of the brand" and that Musk needs to "shut up" and stop "railing" on immigration issues.

Editor's note: This article was written by Nicholas Jacobino

Video Transcript

JOSH LIPTON: Shares of Tesla are tanking to start 2024. They are down more than 25% now, and some analysts getting a bit nervous. The latest, the team at Daiwa Capital Markets downgrading Tesla to neutral with issues surrounding CEO Elon Musk piling up. Our next guest says he's lightened his Tesla position substantially over the last six months. Joining us now is Ross Gerber, Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management CEO.

Ross, it is always good to see you. So maybe I'll start there, Ross. The team at Daiwa, as we mentioned, they downgraded Tesla to neutral, Ross, and they're telling their clients corporate governance concerns aggravating already tough financial conditions in 2024. So they're going a bit cautious. What do you think of that take, Ross? Do you agree with it?

ROSS GERBER : Yeah. I mean, there's just a list of concerns that that's just one of them and probably one of the least important of the concerns considering the rapidly declining earning estimates and the lack of any transparency of what Tesla sales will be this year.

And so Tesla went from a very fast-growing company with lots of potential to now basically sort of almost like stalling and really stuck almost desperately trying to sell their vehicles now. And, you know, it's really problematic because I think it's all self-inflicted. You know, Tesla is a great company with a CEO who is severely conflicted is the nicest way to put it.

JULIE HYMAN: So Ross, you guys have lightened your load in terms of how many shares you own, but you still own a lot of shares.


JULIE HYMAN: So I'm just-- you know, what keeps you-- what keeps the faith when you're looking at Tesla here? What keeps you in the stock? There's a big universe of stocks out there, so what keeps you in this one?