‘Traditional banking might not be the right path for us’: Rocket CEO

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Vice-Chairman and CEO of Rocket Companies Jay Farner joins Yahoo Finance to discuss the future of the housing market, the company’s expansion into auto, and how Biden’s new vaccination policy could affect employees of Rocket Companies.

Video Transcript

BRIAN SOZZI: Rocket Companies has gotten into the red hot market for vehicle buying, launching online marketplace Rocket Auto. Let's dive in here with Rocket Company's Vice Chairman and CEO, Jay Farner. Jay, good to see you again here. So what brings you into the auto market game?

JAY FARNER: Yeah, good morning and thanks for having me. We're super excited about Rocket Auto. Remember, as the largest mortgage lender in the country, we have the opportunity to speak to millions of clients a month about their finances. And one of the things that we found is that, once people are refinancing their home or thinking about getting a mortgage, they are two or three times more likely to be buying an automobile.

And so it makes perfect sense to offer a marketplace where we can help our clients find those automobiles. And we're already selling thousands of cars a week with Rocket Auto.

JULIE HYMAN: Hey Jay, it's Julie here. To be clear, you guys don't offer auto loans, right? So I have to cop to being a little confused by this offering. Because it does seem like, are you planning to go into auto loans? It seems like it's sort of in a different direction for you guys.

JAY FARNER: Well, look, our premise is that we remove friction in complicated transactions. 2 and 1/2 million clients right now pay their mortgage to Rocket Mortgage. And we've helped them with real estate and mortgage for over 26 years. But one of those other complicated transactions is the purchase of an automobile. And so we already know our clients. We know their credit. We know their income. We know the type of cars that they like.

And so to partner with over 300 dealerships across the country and find the right car for them and remove the friction is really our mission. And then, of course, you've just mentioned financing. We've got our Rocket Loans business. And that's really a great streamlined white-labeled business, or the opportunity to be white-labeled, and so we can use that technology, that underwriting technology, for things like solar loans, personal loans, and, of course, maybe in the future, auto loans.

So making sure that we can differentiate ourselves by creating this marketplace and streamlining the experience was our first step. And then who knows where we can take it from here.

BRIAN CHEUNG: So Jay, it's Brian Cheung here. It sounds like there's kind of this ecosystem that you're building over there at Rocket Companies then in that case. So I guess, right now, is this kind of introductory marketplace a way to kind of aggregate data on the types of customers that you have to offer them other types of products that might be helpful? And I guess the next natural question is, why not just get a bank charter I guess, at some point, given how many places I guess you're in when it comes to the financial services space?