Yahoo Finance Uncut: David Rhoiney, D.O., Surgeon, Entrepreneur, Financial Literacy Enthusiast

Yahoo Finance’s Jared Blikre is joined by Surgeon, Entrepreneur, Financial Literacy Enthusiast, as they discuss bigger picture issues, take on crypto, and more.

Video Transcript


JARED BLIKRE: Welcome to "Yahoo Finance Uncut." I am your host Jared Blikre. Today with me is a very special guest Dr. David Rhoiney. He is a surgeon, entrepreneur and financial literary enthusiast.

And I do want to begin, David, Dr. Dave, as I'd like to call you here. We're going to get into your journey as a robotics surgeon in a second. But we got to talk about the markets here.

This is a taped presentation. so this is in the rearview mirror, but we're going to talk about some of the bigger-picture issues. And what a week it has been because we have seen crypto just fall apart. We've seen the bankruptcy of FTX this morning. We have Sam Bankman-Fried on a tweet fest here. And Twitter is owned by Elon Musk. So where to start?

You are an amateur investor, but you study the markets. You follow them quite closely. And you pose a number of interesting questions on Twitter. I'm just wondering, what's your view of what's going on right now, Dave?

DAVID RHOINEY: Well, I mean it's absolute-- first off, thanks for having me here. I never really thought that I would ever be on this show. I've watched it online a bit.

It's quite interesting. I mean, the thing about learning about markets is I try and start from the beginning of things and learn how everything is supposed to work, and then come up with my own inferences of where we are today. I mean, the reality is, is over time, your opinion about crypto or whatever has to change as you get more information because it's not that old.

Now what is going on recently is basically you see that these large players, if they collapse, the entire market falls with it. I do find it interesting that Ethereum and Bitcoin have been pretty resilient, which leads to me there might actually be a utility of those two, which is funny because I think of Ethereum as more of a-- everyone says it's not a company, but I think it's a company that just provides a service. So that service is represented by ETH. And so that does, to me, have some value. Now granted, I'm not an investor in ETH, but it's something that I now am curious about.

Bitcoin, I think, has already been labeled a commodity. But I mean, it's not going to zero. It's proved that it's not going to zero. Ethereum's proved it's not going to zero.

There are other things that have proved that will go to zero. But those two seem to be very interesting. And I'm surprised if they truly were, as people like to call it online, Ponzinomics or Ponzi schemes, you would think they would drop to zero. And they're just not dropping to zero.