11 ChatGPT Penny Stock Picks

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In this article, we will take a look at the 11 ChatGPT penny stock picks. To see more such companies, go directly to 5 ChatGPT Penny Stock Picks.

The AI boom that started with the launch of ChatGPT from OpenAI seems to have no end in sight. A McKinsey report compared the fickle rise of AlphaGo, an AI program made by DeepMind that famously beat the top Go player, with the rise of generative AI applications of today. While AlphaGo made a lot of headlines, its popularity faded quickly. But come the end of 2022, the launch of ChatGPT heralded an era of AI popularity that remains far from being fickle. In fact the AI trend is promising to change the nature of jobs and human productivity. The McKinsey report said that generative AI applications like ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, Stable Diffusion, among others, were able to capture the imagination and attention of the masses because of their broad utility. The latest generative AI wave has something to offer for everyone – students, software developers, professors, researchers, hedge funds, etc.

With apps like ChatGPT, people are now seeing the true power of generative AI and how it can increase productivity of humans and businesses. And analysts believe we are now reaching beyond the hype/no hype debate in the AI domain. While questions could be raised on tech stock valuations, there’s hardly anyone who can doubt that the AI tools rolled out by companies are creating actual benefits for humans and increasing their productivity.

A report by Goldman Sachs quotes GS US software analyst Kash Rangan, who said that generative AI tools have started to enhance the productivity of workers. He said that software developers’ productivity has increased by about 15% to 20% due to generative AI tools.

The report also quoted Goldman Sachs' TMT sector specialist Peter Callahan, who said that the generative AI technology has the potential to transform “almost all aspects of the enterprise and consumer experience.”

The Goldman Sachs report further quantifies the benefits of generative AI. The report quotes Joseph Briggs, an economist at Goldman Sachs, whose estimates suggest that the generative AI potential could raise annual labor productivity growth by around 1.5pp over a 10-year period following widespread adoption in the US and other DM economies, and eventually raise annual global GDP by 7%.

There has been a lot of talk about how the AI-led market boom has created a huge euphoria in the market and pushed tech stock valuations to unprecedented levels. Goldman Sachs’ analysts think otherwise and believe there are still huge investment and growth opportunities in AI stocks: