Churchill Resources Identifies New Nickel Targets at the Taylor Brook Project Newfoundland & Labrador

Churchill Resources Inc.
Churchill Resources Inc.

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TORONTO, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Churchill Resources Inc. (“Churchill” or the “Company”) (TSXV: CRI) is pleased to provide an update on its Taylor Brook nickel project with drilling to commence in September. Highlights from the first two areas followed-up along the TB Magmatic Trend include:

TBSL-1 Area

650m+ very high chargeability target TB-01 identified at junction of TB Magmatic Trend and South Lobe of Taylor Brook Gabbro Complex (“TBGC”), drilling to follow Time Domain Electromagnetic (“TDEM”) survey


Four large lower chargeability targets found by prospecting to be due to thick magnetite-rich units within the South Lobe gabbro, with anomalous Ti-V-Cr-Fe in coincident soil samples, suggesting differentiated intrusion-type mineralization is present in the TBGC

Layden Extension Area

800m+ very high chargeability target TB-06 identified on TB Magmatic Trend, drilling to follow TDEM survey

Paul Sobie, CEO, commented:

“Our 2024 ground geophysical program at Taylor Brook has successfully generated two compelling, large, very high IP chargeability targets in geological settings encouraging for nickel sulphide deposits.

“TB-01 is just within the South Lobe of the TBGC, now shown by our exploration to be a layered intrusive complex potentially prospective for Ti-V-Cr-Fe, and PGE-nickel-copper mineralization. TB-01 is located at the junction with the 13km long, linear TB Magmatic Trend resistivity low feature, with coincident, highly anomalous Ni-Cu-Co soil samples at surface.

“TB-06 on the Layden Extension Grid, lies at the head of the TB Magmatic Trend some 10km from TB-01, and ~1km northeast of the high-grade Layden mineralization. Both IP high chargeability targets are near surface and hundreds of metres long, reach 200+ metres wide, and are receiving TDEM and prospecting surveys in the next few weeks, to be followed with drill testing in September.”

As previously announced, four priority target areas have been identified along the TB Magmatic Trend with compelling exploration results. Thus far in 2024, detailed follow-up work has taken place on the TBSL-1/Gravity Area, as well as on the Layden Extension Area. The Company has continued its previously announced line-cutting, Induced Polarization (“IP”) and Controlled Source Audio Magneto-Telluric (“CSAMT”) geophysical surveys along the magmatic intrusive system (“TB Magmatic Trend”) that extends from the Layden Nickel Showing area southeasterly for 13km to the Taylor Brook Gabbro Complex (“TGBC”) South Lobe. TDEM geophysical surveys over the highest interest IP targets is commencing, with the objective of detecting conductor targets within the larger chargeability anomalies. Drill pad preparation is also commencing this week. Drilling is expected to commence in mid-September 2024 to test these targets.