Claranova: A new financial dynamic

In This Article:

Refinancing the OCEANE debt and strengthening the cash position

Signature of a €108m bullet loan agreement

PARIS, April 02, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News:

Claranova (Paris:CLA) announces the signature on Monday, April 1, 2024, of a new €108m facility agreement with funds managed by Cheyne Capital Management and Heights Capital Management. This new financing will enable the company to refinance all its OCEANE bonds, strengthen its balance sheet and extend the maturity of its debt by four years.

"After several months of hard work and negotiations, the signature of this financing agreement is a source of enormous satisfaction for the Group and its teams. This agreement represents a decisive step in our continued development by enabling us to refinance a debt that has weighed on our financial structure. As a result of this new liquidity and the rescheduling of our debt, we are today in a much better position to pursue our development under more secure and sustainable conditions.

I wish to thank our management team and our financial partners who contributed to the successful completion of this agreement. Their commitment and expertise played a vital role in bringing this complex process to a successful conclusion.

This newly reinforced financial structure will allow us to devote our full energies to developing our business and continuing to focus with determination and transparency on maximizing value creation for the Group and its shareholders."

Pierre Cesarini
Chief Executive Officer

In addition to refinancing the "OCEANE" debt, Claranova will use the net proceeds from this new financing arrangement to prepay the bullet portion (Tranche B) of the existing debt of the SaarLB banking pool and pay transaction-related costs. The remaining cash will be used to finance Claranova's day-to-day operating needs. This transaction is in line with the Group's financial strategy designed to strengthen its cash position and optimize its debt maturity profile.

Financing terms and conditions

The new €108m facility agreement is underwritten by the Group's subsidiary Claranova Development SARL and has a 4-year maturity with bullet repayment on April 4, 2028. It is subject to quarterly interest payments of 6.5% p.a. plus the 3-month Euribor benchmark rate.

This financing also provides for additional compounded quarterly interest of 3.75% p.a., repayable at maturity, as well as an option by Claranova to pay interest in cash payments at 3.25% p.a. on each due date.

The closing of the transaction, which is subject to the customary conditions precedent, is scheduled for April 4, 2024.