Coloplast A/S - Interim Financial Report, 9M 2023/24

Coloplast A/S
Coloplast A/S

In This Article:

9M 2023/24
Interim financial results, 9M 2023/24
1 October 2023 - 30 June 2024

Coloplast delivered 8% organic growth and an EBIT margin1) of 27% in Q3, with 11% growth in absolute EBIT1). Reported revenue in DKK grew 13% which includes 4%-points contribution from Kerecis (underlying growth of around 35%).

  • Organic growth rates by business area: Ostomy Care 8%, Continence Care 8%, Voice and Respiratory Care 11%, Advanced Wound Care 13% (Advanced Wound Dressings 13%) and Interventional Urology 2%.

  • Growth in Chronic Care was broad-based across regions and includes an improvement in growth in the US Ostomy Care business. Continence Care growth was driven by intermittent catheters, including significant contribution from the male LujaTM catheter. Launch of the female Luja catheter* is ongoing and has received positive customer feedback.

  • Voice and Respiratory Care growth was driven by continued good momentum in both Laryngectomy and Tracheostomy.

  • Strong quarter in Advanced Wound Dressings, reflecting continued good momentum and benefit from a lower baseline in Q3 last year.

  • Continued momentum and market share gains for Kerecis. Underlying growth in Q3 was around 35% and the EBIT margin excl. PPA amortisation was around 10%, both in line with plan.

  • Growth in Interventional Urology was driven by Men’s Health, partly offset by Women’s Health and Bladder Health and Surgery, both of which detracted from growth. Bladder Health and Surgery was negatively impacted by backorders due to supply shortages experienced by an external supplier.

  • EBIT1 was DKK 1,870 million, an 11% increase from last year. The EBIT margin1,2 was 27% against 28% last year, and includes around 100 basis points negative impact from Kerecis, as expected, an increased level of commercial spend, including costs related to product launches, and negative impact from currencies.

9M 2023/24 organic growth of 8% and 27% EBIT margin1. Reported revenue in DKK grew 10% to DKK 20,077 million.

  • Organic growth rates by business area: Ostomy Care 7%, Continence Care 8%, Voice and Respiratory Care 10%, Advanced Wound Care 10% (Advanced Wound Dressings 10%) and Interventional Urology 4%. Kerecis contributed 4%-points to reported growth, with an underlying growth of around 35%, in line with expectations.

  • EBIT1 was DKK 5,483 million, a 7% increase from last year. The EBIT margin1,2 was 27% against 28% last year, and includes around 100 basis points negative impact from Kerecis, in line with expectations, and negative impact from currencies.

  • ROIC after tax before special items was 15% against 19% last year, negatively impacted by the acquisition of Kerecis.

  • Free cash flow was an outflow of DKK 186 million, impacted by income tax paid due to the extraordinary tax payment related to Atos Medical’s IP transfer in Q2. Adjusted for the tax payment, free cash flow was an inflow of DKK 2.3 billion.