Doritos' Super Bowl ad could make this guy rich!

At $4.5 million for a 30 second spot, it’s no wonder Doritos is looking for ways to save money on production costs. For the ninth straight year, the company is asking the general public to make their Super Bowl ad for them.

After receiving almost 4,900 entries from around the world, the folks at Doritos have culled the list to 10 finalists. One of those finalists is Scott Zabielski. You can check out his entry here.

Zabielski says it cost him about $2,000 to produce thanks to help from family, friends and colleagues who lent their Hollywood talents to the project for little or no money. He even got that cute baby to do the shoot for free... because it’s his.

An Illinois transplant, Zabielski and his wife didn’t want their children to become “Hollywood kids” and agreed they wouldn't push their son into the business. But Zabielski got a one time dispensation from the Mrs. for this commercial and now the cute baby that was never supposed to become a child star could be seen by millions.

If voters see fit and crown Zabielski the winner, that $2,000 investment will turn into a $1 million windfall. The winner also gets a job at Universal Studios in California.

Zabielski told Yahoo Finance he would use that prize money to pay off student loans and upgrade his condo to make room for a growing family.

As for the job at Universal, Zabielski, the executive producer of Comedy Central's popular "Tosh.0" show says he would one day like to direct films and scripted television. A job on the Universal lot certainly couldn’t hurt.

Check out if you like Zabielski’s entry and want to vote for his ad.

More Super Bowl ads on Yahoo:

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