Oasis Sends Questionnaire to Ain Regarding Recent Scandal and Condemns Ain’s Acquisition of Francfranc (Stock Code: 9627 JT)

In This Article:

* Oasis sends an open letter questionnaire to Ain’s "investigation team", management, and board of corporate auditors following Ain’s inadequate response to its most recent scandal

* Oasis condemns Ain’s recent acquisition of Francfranc at an extremely high valuation in what appears to be a serious conflict of interest with 7 & i

* Oasis reiterates its recommendations to Ain shareholders to vote AGAINST Mr. Kimura, and to vote FOR Oasis’s proposals to improve Ain’s governance in the interest of all stakeholders

More information available at www.AinCorpGov.com

HONG KONG, July 09, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oasis Management Company Ltd. ("Oasis") is the manager to funds that beneficially own approximately 15.1% of pharmacy franchise Ain Holdings Inc. (9627 JT) ("Ain" or the "Company"). Oasis has adopted the Japan FSA’s "Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors" (a/k/a the Japan Stewardship Code) and, in line with those principles, Oasis monitors and engages with its investee companies.

As a major shareholder of Ain, Oasis is concerned about the Company’s abysmal corporate governance practices, and we have been engaging with the Company in the interest of enhancing Ain’s corporate value and improving its corporate governance for the benefit of all shareholders and stakeholders. Oasis believes that the most recent scandal at KKR Sapporo Medical Center, where two directors from Ain and one of its subsidiaries were arrested and found guilty by a court of first instance, is yet another example of the poor corporate governance at Ain. This scandal also exposed a toxic corporate culture at Ain, characterized by the repeated replacement of public solicitation proposal documents after proposal deadlines had passed. For far too long, the Company’s TSR has underperformed its peers and its ROE has declined, yet President Kiichi Otani has continued his reign by appointing friendly "independent outside" directors who all have prior ties to the Company or to Mr. Otani personally. Many of these so-called "independent outside" directors come from companies with which Ain has a business relationship, including a business and capital alliance, or who are Ain’s shareholders introduced through third party allotments solely to increase shareholders friendly to management for the benefit of Mr. Otani.

Oasis Open Letter and Questionnaire to Ain’s "Investigation Team", Management, and Board of Corporate Auditors

Following the most recent scandal at KKR Sapporo Medical Center, where multiple Ain senior management were arrested and found guilty by a trial court, Ain’s response has lacked transparency. They have continued to make illogical and misleading statements in their responses opposing Oasis’s shareholder proposals. Following such responses, Oasis has sent an open letter questionnaire, a copy of which is attached here, to Ain’s "investigation team", management, and board of corporate auditors. Oasis has requested Ain to provide their formal answers publicly via their website by July 16, 2024 for the benefit of all shareholders exercising their shareholder votes. We also request that the responses from the Company’s "Investigation Team" and corporate auditors not be reviewed by the Company’s management, employees or their advisors prior to releasing such responses, and that they be made public without any intervention, in order to seek to ensure the integrity and independence of the Investigation Team and the board of corporate auditors’ responses.