Sokoman Updates the Moosehead Gold Project, Central Newfoundland 552 Zone to be Focus in 2024

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ST. JOHN'S, NL / ACCESSWIRE / January 23, 2024 / Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) ("Sokoman" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the ongoing exploration at its flagship Moosehead Gold Project. The highlight is the drilling results at the recently discovered 552 Zone, located 400 m to the east of the Eastern Trend, in the central portion of the property. Since receiving the stream crossing permit on November 28, an additional six holes (890 m) have been completed with five intersecting the zone and the sixth collaring in an extensive fault zone (believed to be the Cape Ray - Valentine Lake shear zone), which was terminated after cutting 75 m of intensely deformed volcanic and intrusive units.

The 552 drilling has defined a continuous, two- to five-metre-wide zone of quartz veining/quartz breccia, in variably deformed sedimentary units. Three holes intersected white quartz veins with specks of visible gold (MH-23-572, 574, and 575). The quartz veining is locally vuggy (epizonal type), located in a west-northwest trending, 50- to 70-degree northeast dipping structure. The veins carry trace to 5% sulphide minerals including boulangerite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and arsenopyrite, the mineral assemblage common to most gold zones on the property. Drill hole MH-23-557, the fourth hole of the initial four holes on the 552 Zone (MH-23-552, 553, 556, 557 - see news release dated November 2, 2023), intersected the zone giving 1.04 g/t Au over 3.65 m (see table below). Assays remain pending for holes MH-23-568 to 577 (ten holes), which includes all the recent holes at the 552 Zone (MH-23-572 to 577).

Other completed holes on the property include:

  • Three reconnaissance holes (MH-23-564, 566, 567) were drilled in the southern portion of the property, testing magnetic features believed to represent favourable structures. None of the holes intersected significant mineralization.

  • Three reconnaissance holes (MH-23-558, 559, 563) were drilled testing Alpha IP targets located to the east of North Pond. All holes intersected unmineralized structures.

  • Three holes (MH-23-565, 568, 569) were drilled adjacent to hole MH-96-05, drilled by Royal Oak Mines in 1996, which returned 259 g/t Au from a 10 cm quartz vein. MH-23-565 and 569 did not intersect significant mineralization, while MH-23-568 intersected a shear structure with pyritic quartz. Results are pending for MH-23-568 and 569.

  • Two holes (MH-23-570, 571) were drilled to test quartz veining in drill hole MH-19-103, where two specks of visible gold were reported in 2019. Weakly mineralized quartz veining with trace to 2% disseminated pyrite, sphalerite, and arsenopyrite was intersected.

  • Two holes drilled to the northeast of North Pond testing a possible East-West structure defined by magnetics did not intersect significant mineralization.